路友华, 王炳翔, 王家林, 张楠, 王春平, 于金明, 马安宁. 中国居民1990 — 2019年肺癌及其危险因素疾病负担变化趋势分析[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2022, 38(5): 513-517. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws1137000
引用本文: 路友华, 王炳翔, 王家林, 张楠, 王春平, 于金明, 马安宁. 中国居民1990 — 2019年肺癌及其危险因素疾病负担变化趋势分析[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2022, 38(5): 513-517. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws1137000
LU You-hua, WANG Bing-xiang, WANG Jia-lin, . Changing trend in disease burden of lung cancer and its risk factors among Chinese residents, 1990 – 2019[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2022, 38(5): 513-517. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws1137000
Citation: LU You-hua, WANG Bing-xiang, WANG Jia-lin, . Changing trend in disease burden of lung cancer and its risk factors among Chinese residents, 1990 – 2019[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2022, 38(5): 513-517. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws1137000

中国居民1990 — 2019年肺癌及其危险因素疾病负担变化趋势分析

Changing trend in disease burden of lung cancer and its risk factors among Chinese residents, 1990 – 2019

  • 摘要:
      目的  分析中国居民1990 — 2019年肺癌及其危险因素疾病负担的变化趋势,为制定有针对性的肺癌防治策略提供依据。
      方法  收集2019年全球疾病负担(GBD 2019)研究中1990、2005和2019年中国居民肺癌的疾病负担相关数据,采用伤残损失健康寿命年(YLDs)、早死损失寿命年(YLLs)、伤残调整寿命年(DALYs)、人群归因分值(PAF)等指标对1990 — 2019年中国居民肺癌及其危险因素疾病负担的变化趋势进行分析。
      结果  2019年中国居民肺癌的YLD率、YLL率和DALY率均随年龄增长而升高,其中以 ≥ 70岁年龄组最高,分别为76.17/10万、5243.52/10万和5319.70/10万;男性居民YLD率、YLL率和DALY率分别为19.10/10万、1632.03/10万和1651.13/10万,均高于女性居民的8.73/10万、731.14/10万和739.87/10万;1990 — 2019年中国居民肺癌YLD率、YLL率和DALY率均逐渐上升,1990 — 2019年分别上升了3.61 %、2.49 %和2.50 %。在与肺癌相关的16种危险因素中,2019年DALYs、PAF和DALY率居于前5位的危险因素依次为吸烟(1075.17万人年、62.06 %和755.91/10万)、环境颗粒物污染(385.74万人年、22.47 %和271.20/10万)、二手烟(134.85万人年、7.86 %和94.81/10万)、空腹高血糖(110.77万人年、6.47 %和77.87/10万)、固体燃料造成的家庭空气污染(84.95万人年、4.94 %和59.72/10万)。1990 — 2019年中国居民肺癌危险因素PAF上升的和下降的各有8种,其中环境颗粒物污染的PAF上升幅度最大(110.12 %),固体燃料造成的家庭空气污染的PAF下降幅度最大(– 77.74 %)。
      结论  中国居民的肺癌疾病负担依然较高,YLD率、YLL率和DALY率一直呈增长趋势,而吸烟始终是造成肺癌疾病负担的主要危险因素。


      Objective  To examine changing trend in disease burden of lung cancer and related risk factors among residents in China from 1990 to 2019 for developing targeted strategies on lung cancer prevention and treatment.
      Methods  The open access data relevant to disease burden of lung cancer and its associates among Chinese residents in 1990, 2005 and 2019 were extracted from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study 2019. We used years lived with disability (YLDs), years of life lost (YLLs), and disability adjusted life years (DALYs) to describe changes of lung cancer burden and population-attributable faction (PAF) to analyze the disease burden attributable to risk factors and epidemiological transition among the residents of various age groups from 1990 to 2019.
      Results  In 2019 among Chinese male residents, the rates (1/100 000) of YLDs, YLLs, and DALYs of lung cancer were 19.10, 1 632.03, and 1 651.13 and all the rates were higher than those of 8.73, 731.14, and 739.87 among Chinese female residents; the three rates increased with age, with the highest rates of 76.17, 5 243.52, and 5 319.70 in the residents aged 70 years and over. Compared to those in 1990, the rates of YLDs, YLLs, and DALYs increased by 3.61%, 2.49%, and 2.50%, respectively in 2019. Among the 16 known risk factors of lung cancer, the top five with highest contributions to DALYs (million person years), DALYs rate (1/10 000) and PAF were smoking (10.75, 755.91 and 62.06%), environmental particulate pollution (3.86, 271.20 and 22.47%), second-hand smoke (1.35, 94.81 and 7.86%), high fasting plasma glucose (1.11, 77.87 and 6.47%) and home air pollution due to solid fuel use (0.85, 59.72 and 4.94%). Of the PAF for the 16 known risk factors during the period of 1990 – 2019, the PAFs of 8 factors increased, with the highest increase of 110.12% for environmental particulate pollution and other 8 factors′ PAF decreased, with the lowest decrease of 77.74% for home air pollution due to solid fuel use.
      Conclusion  During 1990 – 2019 among residents in China, the disease burden of lung cancer was heavy and the YLDs, YLLs and DALYs rate of lung cancer increased; smoking is still a main risk factor for disease burden of lung cancer.


