步恒富, 马立人, 李钟铎, 祝庆余. 抗-HCV阳性血引发感染的核酸证据[J]. 中国公共卫生, 1999, 15(2): 83-84.
引用本文: 步恒富, 马立人, 李钟铎, 祝庆余. 抗-HCV阳性血引发感染的核酸证据[J]. 中国公共卫生, 1999, 15(2): 83-84.
Bu Hengfu, . The Nuclear Acid Evidence of the Infection of Anti-HCV ELISA-Positive Bloood Donors[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 1999, 15(2): 83-84.
Citation: Bu Hengfu, . The Nuclear Acid Evidence of the Infection of Anti-HCV ELISA-Positive Bloood Donors[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 1999, 15(2): 83-84.


The Nuclear Acid Evidence of the Infection of Anti-HCV ELISA-Positive Bloood Donors

  • 摘要: 血液和血液制品是丙型肝炎的主要传播方式之一,供血者健康检查标准规定凡ELISA检测抗HCV抗体阳性者均不得献血。但ELISA检测存在着漏检及假阳性问题,并且只有HCV-RNA阳性血清才具有感染性。因此,我们对某血站送检的100例抗HCV阳性献血员的血样进行了HCV-RNA检测,结果表明,在HCV-RNA半套式RT-PCR中,传统的异硫氰酸胍/氯仿/异戌醇方法同磁珠法抽提病毒RNA,结果两种方法同样可以得到理想的240bp扩增带。用传统方法进行实验,100例血标本中3例HCV-RNA阴性,其它均阳性,说明我国制定的献血员标准规定绝大多数情况下是适宜的,如果结合RT-PCR检测HCV-RNA,结果会更加理想。


    Abstract: Bloud and blood products are one of the m ain sources for HCV infection The health standard of the blood donors of our countiy points out that all the person who sebhod are an ti-HCV ELISA positive cannot donor their bbod to recipients A ctually false-negative and false-positive may occur in ELISA detection,oniy HCV-BNA positive serum can be of infection,We detected blood HCV-BNA of 100 anti-HCV ELLSA-positive blood donors With traditpnal guanidine.


