詹绍康, 叶喜福, 庄幼宪, 仇萍, 谢学勤, 谢玲玉. 上海市闵行区外来人口孕产期保健问题与对策研究[J]. 中国公共卫生, 1999, 15(10): 907-908,909.
引用本文: 詹绍康, 叶喜福, 庄幼宪, 仇萍, 谢学勤, 谢玲玉. 上海市闵行区外来人口孕产期保健问题与对策研究[J]. 中国公共卫生, 1999, 15(10): 907-908,909.


  • 摘要: 为调查分析外来民工的孕产妇保健中的问题,在三家医院调查3 年中分娩的外来孕产妇病史。在与本地孕产妇的比较中发现:外来孕产妇保健中问题较大,早产儿及低体重儿比例高,Apgar 新生儿评分低,急产及BBA比例高,围产儿死亡率高,子痫及先兆子痫比例高,产妇抢救比例高。通过校正混杂因素的χ2 检验表明,主要原因是缺少良好的产前保健。提示要加强健康教育,增强自我保健和健康投资意识;尽可能采取措施使产前保健服务的提供适应外来孕产妇的特点;坚决取缔非法接生和非法人工流产。


    Abstract: In order to Study on problems in maternal care of internal immigrants and its solution-finding,an exploratory study has been carried out in five communinities and then a hospigtal based study has been carried out in three hospitals where delivery service is provided.Problems are identified by comparison between women in internal immigrant group and in permanent fesident group and then afctors related to the problems are analyzed.Comparing to permanent resident group,problem of maternal crae in internal immigrant group is obvious:proportions of premature birth and low birth wieight are higher,Apgar Score is lower,proportions of precipitate labor and born before arrival are higher,prenatal death rate is higher,proportion of eclampsism and eclasia is higher and proportion of emergency treatment is higher.By using confounding cntrolled chi-square test,statistical analysis shows that lack of adequate prenatal care is the main cause of the identified problems.Effort should be made to improve maternal care for women in internal immigrants including:strengthening health education,promoting self care and investment in their own health;matching maternakl care services providing to health needs and demands of women in internal immigrants;abandoning illegal delivery and illegal induced abortion services.


