唐正发, 江智瑜. 利用光比差和防蛆沿杀灭蝇蛆的研究[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2000, 16(3): 278-279. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2000-16-03-72
引用本文: 唐正发, 江智瑜. 利用光比差和防蛆沿杀灭蝇蛆的研究[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2000, 16(3): 278-279. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2000-16-03-72
Tang Zhengfa, . Study on Trapping and Killing the Flies by lighting Difference and Maggot Blocking Structure[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2000, 16(3): 278-279. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2000-16-03-72
Citation: Tang Zhengfa, . Study on Trapping and Killing the Flies by lighting Difference and Maggot Blocking Structure[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2000, 16(3): 278-279. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2000-16-03-72


Study on Trapping and Killing the Flies by lighting Difference and Maggot Blocking Structure

  • 摘要: 设计“通风排臭灭害厕所”,经反复观察可100%的捕杀苍蝇,致98%以上的蝇蛆不能成蝇,从而达到自然杀灭蝇蛆的目的.研究发现捕杀大头金蝇(蝇类)最佳光比差是:粪槽内光照度必须大于蹲厅照度300m烛光以上,蹲厅照度与粪槽照度的比值在1:168以上.还发现蹲厅照度大于600m烛光时,厕所利用光比差捕蝇效果极不明显;粪槽内照度越大(接近室外自然光线)捕蝇越多,粪槽内蝇蛆繁殖越多,光比差作用越明显.同时还发现厕所设备的防水、干燥的防蛆沿能阻断蛆借助液体的张力运动,使蛆不能外出羽化成蝇而死亡.提示可以设置相应的光比差装置,广泛运用于杀灭环境内的蝇蛆;利用废弃的含蛋白质有机物通过大头金蝇(蝇类)的转换、提取蛋白质作为饲料或工业用蛋白质,变废为利.


    Abstract: The "Ventilating Odor exhausted Pest free Latrine",have been built based on the design with a sound user's feedback.According to the observation,the latrines,which are up to the requirements of the design,can 100% trap and kill the flies in the latrine,and 98% of the maggot can not grow into flies,and they die in the trough eventually.The writer further researched into the mechanism of the latrine to trap and kill the flies,and found the best lighting ratio and absolute lighting difference needed to trap and kill the Mega Head Aureo Flies(“MHA Fly”,a kind of flies).The light in the trough should be 300 lux stronger than the light in the hall,and the lighting ratio of the hall to thatot the trough should be over 1:1 68.The writer also found that when the light in the hall is more than 600 lux,the latrine performs badly to trap the flies using the lighting difference;when the light in the trough becomes brighter(close to the outdoor natural light),the latrine traps more flies and more maggots can be found in the waste liquid in the trough,and the flies' phototrpism becomes more active.In the meantime,the writer found that the water proof dry maggot blocking structure installed in the trough can prevent the maggots from using the liquid to perform the tension movement,therefore the maggots fail to crawl out and grow into flies,and they die in the trough.The writer suggests that the similar phototropism device can be made and installed in the relevant surroundings to trap flies.We can use the device to kill the flies and maggots in the living surroundings.Also we can use the device to exchange the trashed organic protein into the protein of the files for the animal feed or the industrial purposes.The waste can be turned into profit.


