龙俊睿, 郭蕊, 李胜伟, 常文虎. 北京市外来务工人员公共卫生服务利用调查[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2014, 30(8): 998-1001. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2014-30-08-06
引用本文: 龙俊睿, 郭蕊, 李胜伟, 常文虎. 北京市外来务工人员公共卫生服务利用调查[J]. 中国公共卫生, 2014, 30(8): 998-1001. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2014-30-08-06
LONG Jun-rui, GUO Rui, LI Sheng-wei.et al, . Utilization of public health services among migrant workers in Beijing[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2014, 30(8): 998-1001. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2014-30-08-06
Citation: LONG Jun-rui, GUO Rui, LI Sheng-wei.et al, . Utilization of public health services among migrant workers in Beijing[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2014, 30(8): 998-1001. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws2014-30-08-06


Utilization of public health services among migrant workers in Beijing

  • 摘要: 目的 了解北京市外来务工人员公共卫生服务利用的现状及其影响因素。方法 采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法抽取北京市外来务工人员1 002人进行公共卫生服务利用的现状问卷调查。结果 ≥15岁外来务工人员占77.64%(778/1 002);778人中曾参加过健康教育讲座者占4.2%,知晓“五苗”免费接种政策的占60.5%,对艾滋病的传播途径一无所知者占26.3%,流动孕产妇产前检查率和产后访视率分别为76.6%和 32.1%,儿童计划免疫建卡率为97.5%;不同年龄、在京家庭年纯收入、文化程度、在京行业类型、在京累计居住时间、日累计工作时间、自评健康状况的外来务工人员差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,家庭年纯收入(OR=1.165),年龄(OR=0.974)、在京累计居住时间(OR=1.176) 、餐饮、家政、行业(OR=1.828)、日累计工作时间(OR=0.788)是外来务工人员公共卫生服务利用的主要影响因素。结论 北京市外来务工人员的公共卫生服务利用水平不高。


    Abstract: Objective To explore the utilization of public health services and its influencing factors among migrant workers in Beijing.Methods With multistage stratified cluster sampling,a questionnaire survey was conducted among 1 002 migrant workers in Beijing.Results Among the migratnt workers,778(77.64%) were more than 15 years old,of which,4.2% ever took lectures on health education,60.5% knew that they could take five vaccines free of charge,and 26.3%knew nothing about AIDS transmission.The antenatal care(ANC) and the rate of post-partum home visit were 76.6% and 32.1% among the female migrant workers.The rate of establishing immunization card among the children of migrant workers was 97.5%.There were significant differences in the utilization of public health services among the migrant workers with different age,average annual family income,education level,job type in Beijing,dwelling time in Beijing,working hours per day and self-evaluated health status(P<0.05 for all).The results of logistic regression indicated that average annual family income(odds ratioOR=1.165),age(OR=0.974),dwelling time in Beijing(OR=1.176),job type in Beijing(OR=1.828),and working hours per day(OR=0.788 )were the main factors influencing the utilization of public health services among the migrant workers.Conclusion Migrant workers in Beijing failed to make full use of the public health services.


