

Self-evaluation of weight and eating habits among rural high school students

  • 摘要:
      目的  了解农村地区高中生体质指数(BMI)分类和体重自我评价,掌握其不良饮食行为习惯发生情况,探讨干预农村地区高中生体型自我评价偏移的措施,为培养青少年良好饮食行为习惯提出建议。
      方法  于2016年5月在江西省婺源县用整群抽样方法对某高中1 810名学生进行匿名自填式问卷调查,调查问卷由高中生危险行为监测问卷翻译修改而成。
      结果  本研究调查1 810名高中生,性别比1.25:1;346人(19.12 %)低估自己的体重,523人(28.90 %)高估自己的体重;881人(48.67 %)对体重计划采取减重行为,246人(13.59 %)计划增重。不同性别体重自我评价差异有统计学意义(χ2 = 113.461,P < 0.001)。被调查的1 810名高中生中,48.34 %过去7 d喝苏打水、汽水次数 ≥ 1次;74.97 %过去7 d参加体力活动时间加起来累积60 min的天数 ≤ 1 d。
      结论  大部分高中生不能科学地判断自身体重,且大多判断具有偏大倾向,且体重认知偏移存在明显的性别差异。农村高中生的生活方式已经渐渐发生变化,不良饮食行为习惯亟待干预。


      Objective  To examine the distribution of body mass index (BMI), self-evaluation of weight, and prevalence of unhealthy eating behaviors among rural high school students for developing interventions on bias in self-evaluation of weight and promoting healthy eating behaviors among the students.
      Methods  We carried out an anonymous self-administered questionnaire survey among 1 810 students recruited with cluster sampling in a high school in Wuyuan county of Jiangxi province in May 2016. We adopted a revised Youth Risk Behavior Survey Questionnaire – Chinese Version in the survey.
      Results  Of all the students with a male to female ratio of 1.25:1, 346 (19.12%) and 523 (28.90%) reported under- and over-estimated self-body weight; 881 (48.67%) and 246 (13.59%) reported weight loss and gain plan. There was a significant gender difference in self-evaluation of weight (χ2 = 113.461, P < 0.001). Among the students, 48.34% reported consumption of soft drinks once or more during previous 7 days and 74.97% reported only one or less than one day with the cumulated physical exercise time of at least 60 minutes for past 7 days.
      Conclusion  Most of high school students have no correct self-evaluation of weight and the majority of the students have their body weight overestimated and the bias in self-evaluation of weight differs by gender among the students. The study results also indicate that unhealthy eating behaviors of the students needs to be intervened.


