

Infectious disease-specific health literacy and its influencing factors among residents in 3 provinces of China

  • 摘要:
      目的  了解中国居民传染病健康素养现况及影响因素,为制定传染病健康素养干预策略提供参考依据。
      方法  于2015年3 — 8月,采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法,抽取中国东、中、西部3个省的6类人群,使用传染病健康素养量表进行自填式调查,计量资料应用t检验和方差分析,计数资料使用 χ2检验和多因素logistic回归分析。
      结果  中国3省居民传染病健康素养均分为(21.69 ± 8.53)分(满分为38.62分),及格率为73.4 %。4个维度均分分别为传染病的基本知识与观念(6.96 ± 3.50)分(满分为13.17分),传染病的预防(6.84 ± 2.62)分(满分为9.96分),对病原体和传染源的辨认(4.09 ± 2.54)分(满分为7.68分),传染病的管理与治疗(3.80 ± 2.58)分(满分为7.81分)。浙江省平均得分(23.13 ± 8.16)高于湖北省(22.05 ± 8.38)(P < 0.05),湖北省高于甘肃省(19.89 ± 8.70)(P < 0.05)。传染病健康素养得分与年龄、文化程度、性别、职业、每天平均上网时间和自评健康状况有关。与15~24岁年龄组相比,≥ 25岁各年龄组更易于取得及格分(OR = 1.613~2.111,95 % CI = 1.155~2.973)。与不识字或识字较少者相比,高中/职高/中专(OR = 2.801,95 % CI = 1.753~4.474)、大专/本科及以上(OR = 7.100,95 % CI = 4.038~12.483)文化程度高者更易于取得及格分。与女性相比,男性更不易取得及格分(OR = 0.687,95 % CI = 0.589~0.801)。与公务员及事业单位工作人员相比,农民工及非农户产业工人不易取得及格分(OR = 0.686,95 % CI = 0.481~0.980),学生更易取得及格分(OR = 3.267,95 % CI = 2.066~5.164)。与不上网者相比,上网者更易于取得及格分(OR = 1.595~1.941,95 % CI = 1.282~2.472)。与自评健康状况不好者相比,自评健康状况好者更容易取得及格分(OR = 3.029,95 % CI = 2.205~4.161)。
      结论  中国居民传染病健康素养水平不理想,尤其应将男性、不识字或识字较少者、工人、不上网者作为健康教育与健康促进工作的重点人群。


      Objective  To investigate current status of infectious disease-specific health literacy (IDSHL) and its influencing factors among residents in three provinces of China, and to provide references for developing appropriate intervention strategies.
      Methods  Using stratified multistage random sampling, we selected 1 500 urban and rural citizens aged 15 – 69 years (including residents, senior high school students, hotel attendants, and construction workers) in each of the three provinces in northern, central and western China and conducted a self-administered survey among the citizens with Infectious Disease-Specific Health Literacy Scale between March and August 2015. T-test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were adopted in measurement data analysis and χ2 test and logistic regression were used in enumeration data analysis to explore influencing factors of IDSHL.
      Results  For the 4 499 respondents, the mean IDSHL score was 21.69 ± 8.53 out of 38.62 and 73.4% of the respondents 6 were assessed with adequate IDSHL; the mean IDSHL domain scores were 6.96 ± 3.50 out of 13.17 for basic knowledge and concept on infectious disease, 6.84 ± 2.62 out of 9.96 for prevention of infectious disease, 3.80 ± 2.58 out 7.81 for management and treatment of infectious disease, and 4.09 ± 2.54 out of 7.68 for identification of infectious disease, respectively. The mean IDSHL score differed significantly among the respondents of different province, with the highest score for the respondents in Zhejiang province (23.13 ± 8.16), followed by the scores for the respondents in Hubei province (22.05 ± 8.38) and Gansu province (19.89 ± 8.70) (both P < 0.05). Multivariate logistic analysis showed that the IDSHL score was associated with age, education, sex, occupation, time spent on internet surfing per day, and self-reported health status. Binary logistic regression analysis revealed that the respondents with following features were more likely to have adequate IDSHL: at elder age (aged 25 years and above vs. aged 15 – 24 years: odds ratio OR = 1.613 – 2.111, 95% confidence interval 95% CI: 1.155 – 2.973), with higher education (senior high school/vocational school/technical secondary school and college/university vs. illiterate: OR = 2.801, 95% CI: 1.753 – 4.474 and OR = 7.100, 95% CI: 4.038 – 12.483), performing internet surfing (frequently vs. never: OR = 1.595 – 1.941, 95% CI: 1.282 – 2.472), reporting a good self rated-health (good vs. poor: OR = 3.029, 95% CI: 2.205 – 4.161), being students (yes vs. no: OR = 3.267, 95% CI: 2.066 – 5.164); while, compared to the female respondents and the respondents working as civil servants or personnel of public institutions, the male respondents and the respondents being farmers or workers without urban household registration were less likely to have adequate IDSHL (OR = 0.687, 95% CI: 0.589 – 0.801; OR = 0.686, 95% CI: 0.481 – 0.980).
      Conclusion  The infectious disease-specific health literacy is not at an adequate level and males, illiterates, workers, and non-internet users are major targeted populations for health education on infectious disease among Chinese residents.


