

Toilet retrofitting in rural areas of Yunnan province: a cross-sectional survey

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解云南省农村无害化卫生厕所情况,发现存在的问题并为后期改厕工作提供参考依据。
    方法 2018年5 — 12月通过制定云南省农村改厕专项调查方案,经过逐级培训调查人员,收集全省农村改厕数据。内容主要包括农村户厕、公厕、医疗卫生机构厕所和学校厕所情况及粪便处理情况等。
    结果 全省农村户厕无害化卫生厕所率为34.93 %(3 443 880/9 860 782),贫困家庭农村户厕无害化卫生厕所率为22.48 %(386 562/1 719 755);公共厕所无害化卫生厕所率为45.69 %(31 573/69 106);医疗机构无害化卫生厕所率为56.28 %(11 155/19 822),平均每家医疗卫生机构有0.75座无害化卫生厕所;九年义务中小学校无害化卫生厕所率为63.58 %(24 105/37 910)。
    结论 云南省农村无害化卫生厕所率距离农村“厕所革命”的目标尚有一段距离,且存在明显的场所和地区差异,农村户厕仍然是云南省卫生厕所改革中的重难点环节,需继续加快推进农村厕所改建工作。


    Objective To examine the coverage of harmless sanitary toilets and barriers for toilet retrofitting in rural areas of Yunnan province for providing references to develop relevant improvement measures.
    Methods Information on type of toilets and manure treatment in household settings, public places, schools, medical and health institutions in rural areas across Yunnan province were collected by trained interviewers between May and December 2018; then the implementation of toilet retrofitting was analyzed.
    Results In the whole rural area of the province, the coverage of harmless sanitary toilet was 34.93% (3 443 880/9 860 782) for all rural households and 22.48% (386 562/1 719 755) for poverty stricken households; the harmless sanitary toilets accounted for 45.69% (31 573/69 106) of all public toilets and 56.28% (11 155/19 822) of toilets in medical institutions were harmless sanitary toilets, with 0.75 harmless sanitary toilet per medical institution on average; the coverage of harmless sanitary toilet for all the nine-year compulsory primary and secondary schools was 63.58% (24 105/37 910) .
    Conclusion In rural areas of Yunnan province, the overall coverage of harmless sanitary toilets is lower than the goal of " toilet revolution” and the implementation of toilet retrofitting is unbalanced among various settings, with harmless sanitary toilet construction in household settings being a difficult part for rural toilet retrofitting.


