

Construction of a surveillance-data based simulation platform for analysis of infectious disease epidemics

  • 摘要: 近年来,新发突发传染病频发,严重威胁人民生命健康,而在传染病疫情现场,制定科学高效的防控措施是防止传染病进一步扩散流行的关键,目前我国传染病疫情现场还缺乏相关的系统与装备,因此,本研究建立集传染病数据统计分析、传染病流行预测、防控措施评价、传染病传播过程模拟仿真为一体的传染病疫情现场分析与模拟仿真平台,提升我国传染病疫情的分析与综合防控能力和水平。


    Abstract: In recent years, outbreaks of infectious diseases threaten public health seriously and control measures need to be developed to prevent infectious disease epidemics. The study establishes a simulation platform for surveillance data analysis, epidemic trend prediction, and prevention and control measure evaluation. The simulation platform could be used in practices for promoting comprehensive capability of infectious disease epidemic prevention and control in China.


