
安徽省 ≤ 5岁腹泻患儿家长对感染性腹泻防治知识知晓情况分析

Knowledge of prevention and treatment of infectious diarrhea among parents of children under five with diarrhea in Anhui province: an outpatient-clinic-based questionnaire survey

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解 ≤ 5岁腹泻患儿家长对感染性腹泻防治知识知晓情况及其影响因素,为今后开展针对性健康干预措施提供参考依据。
    方法 在安徽省4个市各选取2家医疗机构,按照整群抽样法选取2021年5月 — 2022年10月在腹泻门诊就诊的1155名 ≤ 5岁的感染性腹泻患儿家长作为调查对象,采用自制问卷进行面对面调查,调查主要包括家长基本情况、感染性腹泻整体认知和防治知识知晓等内容,其中感染性腹泻防治知识共10题,每题赋值1分,得分 ≥ 8分定义为知晓。调整家长基本信息后,采用二元logistic回归分析法对其腹泻防治知识知晓情况的影响因素进行多因素分析。
    结果 1155名患儿家长中,775人(67.1%)对感染性腹泻防治知识知晓。感染性腹泻防治知识条目中回答正确率最低的3道问题的分别为“多人共同就餐时使用公筷或分餐是否有助于预防感染性腹泻”“吃了苍蝇、蟑螂等叮咬过的食物是否会导致感染性腹泻”和“勤剪指甲是否有助于预防感染性腹泻”,正确率分别为65.1%、69.5%和72.8%。二元logistic回归分析结果显示,患儿家长所在城市、家庭月收入、家长文化程度以及家长职业对其感染性腹泻知晓情况有显著影响。
    结论  ≤ 5岁腹泻患儿家长对感染性腹泻防治知识整体知晓情况相对较差,尤其是文化程度和家庭月收入较低人群,因此针对不同人群开展针对性健康教育措施尤为重要。


    Objective To assess the status and determinants of knowledge of prevention and treatment of infectious diarrhea among parents of children aged ≤5 years with diarrhea to provide evidence for the development of targeted health intervention strategies.
    Methods We conducted face-to-face interviews with 1 325 parents of children aged ≤ 5 years diagnosed with infectious diarrhea at outpatient clinics of 8 grade II medical institutions selected by cluster sampling in 4 cities across geographic regions of Anhui province between May 2021 and October 2022. A self-developed questionnaire was used in the survey, which included the parental demographic information, general awareness of infectious diarrhea, and knowledge of infectious diarrhea prevention (10 questions with one point for each correct answer and a total score of 8 was defined as knowledge of the disease prevention) and treatment. A multivariate analysis of factors influencing parental knowledge of diarrhea prevention was performed using binary logistic regression, adjusting for potential confounders.
    Results Of the 1 155 participants with valid responses, 775 (67.1%) were considered knowledgeable about preventing and treating infectious diarrhea. The three questions with the lowest correct response rate were "Does using shared utensils or individual servings during group meals help prevent infectious diarrhea?" (correctly answered by 65.1% of participants), "Does eating food contaminated by flies, cockroaches, and other pests lead to infectious diarrhea?" (69.5%), and "Does frequent nail clipping help prevent infectious diarrhea?" (72.8%). Binary logistic regression analysis indicated that city of residence, monthly household income, education level, and occupation were significant factors influencing participants′ knowledge of infectious diarrhea.
    Conclusion Among parents of children aged ≤5 years with diarrhea in Anhui province, general awareness of infectious diarrhea prevention is relatively low, especially among those with lower education levels and household income, suggesting that targeted health education on infectious diarrhea needs to be implemented in different populations.


