

Current status of psychotherapy and counseling service resources in mental health institutions in Chinese mainland in 2020: a submitted data-based analysis

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解中国内地精神卫生医疗机构中心理治疗及心理咨询资源情况,为后续制定相关政策提供参考依据。
    方法 国家精神卫生项目办公室于2021年5 — 6月,采用自编调查表对中国内地31个省(自治区、直辖市)所有提供心理治疗/咨询服务的3 833家机构进行资源调查;由各地各级精神卫生项目办公室收集汇总数据,上报国家精神卫生项目办公室。
    结果 全国64.56%的精神卫生医疗机构提供心理治疗/咨询服务,65.24%的精神专科医院和69.44%的综合医院精神(心理)科提供心理治疗/咨询服务。提供心理治疗/咨询服务的精神卫生医疗机构中,52.54%的机构设有独立科室承担心理治疗/咨询服务。提供心理治疗/咨询服务的人员中以精神科医生最多,占65.61%。东部地区精神卫生医疗机构内心理治疗/咨询服务资源数量(机构1 663家,人员13 061人)以及单位土地面积提供服务人员数量(每万平方千米提供服务人员数122.14)高于中部(机构1 022家,人员9 064人,每万平方千米提供服务人员数53.63)和西部地区(机构1 148家,人员9 259人,每万平方千米提供服务人员数13.52)。
    结论 近年来提供心理治疗/咨询服务的精神卫生医疗机构数量有明显增加,但其覆盖面及东、中、西部地区间的资源分布不均衡,均有待改善。


    Objective To understand the current status of psychotherapy and counseling resources in mental health institutions in Chinese mainland, and provide a reference for the formulation of relevant policies.
    Methods From May to June 2021, the National Mental Health Program Office conducted a resource survey using a self-designed questionnaire on 3 833 institutions providing psychotherapy/counseling services across all 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) in Chinese mainland. The data were collected and summarized by mental health program offices at all levels in each region and reported to the National Mental Health Program Office.
    Results Nationwide, 64.56% of mental health institutions provided psychotherapy/counseling services, with 65.24% of psychiatric specialty hospitals and 69.44% of psychiatric (psychological) departments in general hospitals offering these services. Among the mental health institutions providing psychotherapy/counseling services, 52.54% had independent departments undertaking these services. Psychiatrists accounted for the largest proportion (65.61%) of the personnel providing psychotherapy/counseling services. The quantity of psychotherapy/counseling service resources (1 663 institutions and 13 061 personnel) and the number of service providers per unit land area (122.14 per 10,000 square kilometers) in mental health institutions in eastern China were higher than those in central (1 022 institutions, 9 064 personnel, and 53.63 per 10 000 square kilometers) and western regions (1 148 institutions, 9 259 personnel, and 13.52 per 10 000 square kilometers).
    Conclusion In recent years, the number of mental health institutions providing psychotherapy/counseling services has increased significantly. However, the coverage and distribution of resources across eastern, central, and western regions remain uneven, requiring further improvement.


