

Fluoride in drinking water and associated non-carcinogenic health risk in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, 2022: a monitoring data analysis

  • 摘要:
    目的 分析2022年内蒙古自治区生活饮用水中氟化物的监测结果,进行健康风险评估,为进一步提升内蒙古自治区生活饮用水卫生管理水平提供依据。
    方法  2022年对内蒙古12个盟市设立的饮用水监测点采集生活饮用水7488份水样,开展枯、丰水期监测,采用美国国家环境保护局 (USEPA) 经典“四步法”健康风险评估模型进行经口摄入途径的健康风险评估。
    结果  2022年内蒙古自治区不同水系流域、采样地区、水期类型、水源类型、水样类型共监测了7488份饮用水水样,氟化物含量范围在ND~8.830 mg/L,MP25P75)为0.500(0.300,0.750) mg/L,合格率91.64%。非致癌风险成人的危害商(HQ)值为0.31,样本中2.18%(163份)HQ > 1,儿童面临的非致癌风险随年龄的增长先增加后降低,1~< 2岁的儿童非致癌风险最高,HQ值 = 0.45,各年龄段的儿童均有部分样本危害商 > 1。成年男性和成年女性面临的非致癌风险( HQ 均为0.31),9月龄~< 3岁的儿童非致癌风险高于成人(HQ = 0.33~0.45)。不同流域的氟化物含量和健康风险水平差异均有统计学意义(H = 648.781,P < 0.001),其中辽河流域氟化物含量和健康风险水平最高(HQ = 0.40),其次是内流区诸河和海河流域(HQ = 0.36、037),第三是黄河流域(HQ = 0.26),黑龙江流域最低(HQ = 0.24);城市水的合格率高于农村水(95.96% VS. 89.58%,χ2 = 87.077,P < 0.001);地表水氟化物含量及健康风险水平低于地下水(0.340 mg/L VS. 0.500 mg/L,0.21 VS. 0.31,Z = – 11.761,P < 0.001),合格率高于地下水(99.72% VS. 91.23%,χ2 = 32.146,P < 0.001);不同水样类型的氟化物含量及健康风险水平差异均有统计学意义(H = 55.551,P < 0.001),出厂水高于末梢水(0.530 mg/L VS. 0.490 mg/L,0.33 VS. 0.30,P < 0.001)。
    结论  2022年内蒙古自治区部分地区饮用水中氟化物的健康风险超出USEPA推荐的最大可接受风险,健康风险水平较高,应在饮用水风险管理中重点关注。


    Objective  To investigate the fluoride content of drinking water and the non-carcinogenic health risk of oral fluoride exposure in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (Inner Mongolia) in 2022 by analyzing monitoring data for the management of drinking water hygiene in the region.
    Methods A total of 7 488 surface/underground resource and treated/secondary supplied/tap water samples were collected in dry and wet seasons from domestic drinking water monitoring stations located in different river basins and urban/rural areas in 12 municipalities of Inner Mongolia in 2022; fluoride in the samples was detected and analyzed. The non-cancer health risk associated with oral exposure to fluoride in drinking water was evaluated using the United States Environmental Protection Agency′s (USEPA) four-step approach.
    Results  For all samples, the fluoride concentration (mg/L) ranged from not detected to 8.830, with a median of 0.500 and a 25th/75th percentile of 0.300/0.750; the fluoride content in 91.64% of the samples was within the limit (≤1.0 mg/L) of the National Sanitary Standards for Drinking Water (GB 5749 – 2006). For all water samples, the non-carcinogenic hazard quotient (HQ) associated with oral exposure to fluoride in drinking water was 0.31 for the adult population, and 2.18% (163) of the samples had HQ values greater than 1. For children and adolescents, the non-carcinogenic HQ increases and then decreases with age, with the highest HQ (0.45) for children aged 1 – < 2 years and some samples with HQ greater than 1 for children and adolescents of different ages. The non-cancer health risk of oral fluoride exposure was similar for male and female adults (HQ = 0.31), and the non-cancer health risk was higher (HQ = 0.33 – 0.45) for children aged 9 months – < 3 years than for adults. There were significant differences in fluoride content and associated non-cancer health risk for samples collected from different river basins (H = 648.781, P < 0.001); the fluoride content and associated non-cancer health risk (HQ = 0.40) were the highest for samples from the Liaohe River basin, followed by those from the basins of some inner rivers (0.37), Haihe River basin (0.36), Yellow River basin (0.26), and Heilongjiang River basin (0.24), respectively. The qualification rate (fluoride content lower than the national standard of ≤ 1.0 mg/L) of water samples from urban areas was higher than that from rural areas (95.96% vs. 89.58%, χ2 = 87.077; P < 0.001), and the qualification rate of groundwater samples was higher than that of surface water samples (99.72% vs. 91.23%, χ2 = 32.146; P < 0.001); both the fluoride content and the associated non-cancer health risk of surface water samples were lower than those of groundwater (0.340 mg/L vs. 0.500 mg/L, 0.21 vs. 0.31, Z = – 11.761; P < 0.001). There were significant differences in fluoride content and associated non-carcinogenic health risk among treated/secondary supplied/tap water samples (H = 55.551, P < 0.001), with higher fluoride content (0.530 mg/L vs. 0.490 mg/L) and associated non-carcinogenic HQ (0.33 vs. 0.30) of treated water than that of tap water samples (P < 0.001).
    Conclusion The health risk of fluoride in drinking water in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in 2022 exceeds the maximum acceptable risk recommended by the USEPA which should be emphasized in drinking water risk management.


