

Prevalence and determinants of clustering of adverse lifestyle behaviors among 35 – 75 years old residents at high cardiovascular disease risk in Hebei province: an analysis of data from a national disease surveillance project

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解河北省心血管疾病(CVD)高危人群不良生活方式的聚集情况及其影响因素,为该地区居民CVD的预防控制提供参考依据。
    方法 收集河北省2018 — 2021年CVD高危人群早期筛查与综合干预项目11个项目点调查中29721名35~75岁CVD高危人群的相关数据,对CVD高危人群不良生活方式的聚集情况及其影响因素进行分析。
    结果  河北省29721名CVD高危人群中,发生不良生活方式者27430人,不良生活方式发生率为92.29%;其中吸烟、饮酒、超重/肥胖、高盐饮食和身体活动不足者分别为8132349322236672515100人,吸烟率、饮酒率、超重/肥胖率、高盐饮食率和身体活动不足率分别占27.36%、11.75%、74.82%、22.63%和50.81%;不良生活方式聚集者18357人,不良生活方式聚集率为61.76%,聚集率较高的群体为男性9745人(79.74%)、45~54岁4932人(63.94 %)、小学及以下文化程度9254人(64.70 %)、农业户口15321人(67.26%)、家庭年均收入 ≤ 2.5万元13836人(66.41%) 、职业为农民13795人(67.72%);多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄45~64岁和农业户口是河北省CVD高危人群发生不良生活方式聚集的危险因素;女性、文化程度初中及以上、家庭年均收入 > 2.5万元和职业为工人、私营/商业服务人员、退休/家务/失业人员、其他人员是河北省CVD高危人群发生不良生活方式聚集的保护因素。
    结论  河北省CVD高危人群不良生活方式普遍存在,聚集情况突出,性别、年龄、文化程度、户口类型、家庭年均收入和职业是该地区CVD高危人群发生不良生活方式聚集的主要影响因素。


    Objective To investigate the prevalence and influencing factors of clustering of adverse lifestyle behaviors in populations at high risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Hebei province, thus providing a reference for the prevention and control of CVD in the local population.
    Methods Information on 29 721 residents aged 35 – 75 years who were considered at high risk of CVD was collected from the datasets of the CVD Early Detection and Comprehensive Intervention Project, which was conducted in 11 sites in Hebei province from 2018 to 2021. The clustering and influencing factors of five adverse lifestyle behaviors among the residents were analyzed.
    Results Of the 29 721 residents surveyed, 27 430 (92.29%) reported having at least two or more adverse lifestyle behaviors associated with CVD risk and the numbers (percentages) of reporters were 8 132 (27.36%) for smoking, 3 493 (11.75%) for alcohol consumption, 22 236 (74.82%) for overweight/obesity, 6 725 (22.63%) for high-salt diet, and 15 100 (50.81%) for physical inactivity, respectively. A total of 18 357 (61.76%) of the residents reported the clustering of adverse lifestyle behaviors (with two or more of the five behaviors) and the subgroups of reporting higher clustering of the adverse lifestyle behaviors were those being males (9 745 79.74% reporting the clustering), aged 45 – 54 years (4 932, 63.94%), with primary education or below (9 254, 64.70%), with agricultural household registration (15 321, 67.26%), and with annual household income of ≤ 25 000 Chinese yuan (13 836, 66.41%), and being farmers (13 795, 67.72%). Multivariate unconditional logistic regression analysis revealed that being aged 45 – 64 years and having an agricultural household registration were risk factors for clustering of adverse lifestyle behaviors, but being female, having a junior high school education and above, having an annual household income of more than 25 000 Chinese yuan, being a laborer/private/commercial service worker/retired person/housewife/unemployed/and having other occupation were protective factors against the clustering for the residents.
    Conclusion Adverse lifestyle behaviors are prevalent and particularly clustered among residents at high CVD risk aged 35 – 75 years in Hebei province, and the clustering of adverse lifestyle behaviors was significantly influenced by gender, age, education, household registration, annual household income, and occupation in the population.


