

Association of lipid accumulation product index with self-reported diabetes among residents aged 18 – 44 years in Hebei province, 2020: a surveillance data analysis

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解河北省18~44岁居民脂质蓄积指数(LAP)水平与自我报告糖尿病患病的关系,为当地居民的糖尿病预防控制提供参考依据。
    方法 收集2020年河北省居民心血管病及其危险因素监测项目中6373名18~44岁常住居民的相关数据,应用多因素非条件logistic回归模型分析其LAP与自我报告糖尿病患病风险的关系。
    结果 河北省6373名18~44岁居民中,男性居民3177人(49.85%),女性居民3196人(50.15%);男性居民和女性居民LAP的MP25P75)分别为29.47(13.67,62.33)和16.58(9.24,31.50),其中最低四分位数、第二四分位数、第三四分位数、最高四分位数分别为794人(24.99%)和799人(25.00%)、794人(24.99%)和799人(25.00%)、795人(25.03%)和797人(24.94%)、794人(24.99%)和801人(25.06%);男性居民和女性居民自我报告糖尿病患病数分别为178和91例,自我报告糖尿病患病率分别为5.60%和2.85%;男性居民和女性居民LAP最低四分位数、第二四分位数、第三四分位数、最高四分位数组自我报告糖尿病患病数分别为3和6例、25和3例、42和15例、108和67例,自我报告糖尿病患病率分别为0.38%和0.75%、3.15%和0.38%、5.28%和1.88%、13.60%和8.36%;在调整了年龄、民族、文化程度、婚姻状况、就业状况、家庭人均年收入、居住地、吸烟情况、饮酒情况和身体活动情况等混杂因素后,多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果显示,男性居民LAP第二四分位数、第三四分位数和最高四分位数组自我报告糖尿病患病风险分别为最低四分位数组的7.78倍(OR = 7.78,95%CI = 2.33~26.01)、12.74倍(OR = 12.74,95%CI = 3.90~41.63)和34.38倍(OR = 34.38,95%CI = 10.75~109.93),女性居民LAP最高四分位数组自我报告糖尿病患病风险为最低四分位数组的11.32倍(OR = 11.32,95%CI = 4.76~26.96)。
    结论 河北省18~44岁居民LAP水平与自我报告糖尿病患病率呈正相关,自我报告糖尿病患病风险随LAP水平的升高而升高。


    Objective To investigate the association between lipid accumulation product (LAP) levels and self-reported diabetes among residents aged 18 – 44 years in Hebei province, and to provide a reference for the prevention and control of diabetes among local residents.
    Methods Data on 6 373 permanent residents aged 18 – 44 years in Hebei province were collected from the Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Factor Surveillance conducted in 2020. Unconditional multivariate logistic regression models were used to analyze the association between LAP and diabetes risk.
    Results The median (25th percentile, 75th percentile) of the LAP index was 29.47 (13.67, 62.33) for 3 177 (49.85% of all participants) male residents and 16.58 (9.24, 31.50) for 3 196 (50.15%) female residents. The numbers (percentages) of residents with the LAP index of the lowest, second, third, and highest quartiles were 794 (24.99%), 794 (24.99%), 795 (25.03%), and 794 (24.99%) for men and 799 (25.00%), 799 (25.00%), 797 (24.94%), and 801 (25.06%) for women, respectively. The self-reported prevalence (cases number) of diabetes was 5.60% (178) and 2.85% (91) for men and women. Among residents in the lowest, second, third, and highest quartiles of the LAP index, the self-reported prevalence (number of cases) of diabetes was 0.38% (3), 3.15% (25), 5.28% (42), and 13.60% (108) for men and 0.75% (6), 0.38% (3), 1.88% (15), and 8.36% (67) for women, respectively. After adjusting for age, ethnicity, education level, marital status, employment, annual household income per capita, place of residence, smoking, alcohol consumption, and physical activity, unconditional multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that, compared with those with LAP index in the lowest quartile, male residents with LAP index in the second, third, and highest quartiles had an increased risk of self-reported diabetes, with odds ratios (95% confidence interval) of 7.78 (2.33, 26.01), 12.74 (3.90, 41.63), and 34.38 (10.75, 109.93), respectively, while female residents with LAP index in the highest quartile had an increased risk of self-reported diabetes (odds ratio = 11.32, 95% confidence interval: 4.76, 26.96) compared with those with LAP index in the lowest quartile.
    Conclusion There is a positive correlation between the LAP index and the prevalence of self-reported diabetes among residents aged 18 – 44 years in Hebei province. The risk of self-reported diabetes increases with increasing LAP index.


