

Prevalence, awareness, treatment, control, and treatment-control rates of hypertension among adults in Hubei province: a cross-sectional survey

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解湖北省成年居民高血压患病率、知晓率、治疗率、控制率和治疗控制率,为该地区高血压的防治工作提供参考依据。
    方法 于2020年5 — 12月采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法在湖北省咸宁市通山县、黄冈市英山县、宜昌市长阳县、荆州市石首市、恩施州利川市、荆门市东宝区、十堰市丹江口市、襄阳市枣阳市、鄂州市鄂城区和孝感市汉川市10个地区抽取21973名 ≥ 18岁常住居民进行高血压患病、知晓、治疗和控制情况的问卷调查。
    结果 最终纳入分析的20286名湖北省成年居民中,患高血压者8287例,复杂加权后高血压患病率为33.3%;8287例患高血压的湖北省成年居民中,知晓患高血压者、治疗高血压者和控制高血压者分别为38073324和828例,复杂加权后高血压知晓率、高血压治疗率和高血压控制率分别为43.1%、37.2%和9.2%;3324例治疗高血压的湖北省成年居民中,控制高血压者为828例,复杂加权后高血压治疗控制率为24.6%;湖北省不同特征成年居民比较,不同性别和年龄成年居民复杂加权后高血压患病率、知晓率、治疗率、控制率不同,不同文化程度成年居民复杂加权后高血压患病率、知晓率、治疗率、治疗控制率不同,不同居住地成年居民复杂加权后高血压知晓率、治疗率不同,差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.05)。
    结论 湖北省成年居民高血压患病率较高,但高血压的知晓、治疗和控制水平较低。


    Objective To investigate the prevalence, awareness, treatment, control, and treatment-control rates of hypertension among adults in Hubei province, and to provide a reference for the prevention and control of hypertension in this region.
    Methods Blood pressure measurement and face-to-face interview with the Chinese Adult Chronic Disease and Risk Factor Surveillance Survey Questionnaire were conducted during May – December 2020 among 21 973 adult (≥ 18 years) permanent residents recruited using stratified multistage random cluster sampling at 10 counties/districts/prefectures in Hubei province. The participants′ information on hypertension prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control were collected and analyzed.
    Results Among the 20 286 participants included in the analysis, a total of 8 287 hypertensive subjects were identified and the complex-weighted prevalence of hypertension was 33.3%. Of the 8 287 hypertensive participants, 3 807 (43.1% after complex weighting) were aware of their hypertension, 3 324 (37.2%) were receiving treatment, and 828 (9.2%) had their blood pressure under control. Of the 3 324 hypertensive participants receiving treatment for hypertension, 828 (24.6% after complex weighting) had their blood pressure under control. The complex-weighted prevalence of hypertension among all participants, the complex-weighted ratios of awareness, treatment, and blood pressure control of hypertension among hypertensive participants differed significantly by gender, age, and education (all P < 0.05); the complex-weighted ratio of controlled blood pressure among the hypertensive participants receiving hypertension treatment differed significantly by education level (P < 0.05). The complex-weighted ratios of awareness and treatment among hypertensive participants differed significantly by urban/rural residence (both P < 0.05).
    Conclusion The prevalence of hypertension is high among community-dwelling adults in Hubei province, but the awareness, treatment, and control levels of hypertension are low among community-dwelling hypertensive adults.


