

A survey of training needs for integrated medicalpreventiveand managerial key personnel in primary healthcare settings in China

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解基层医防管复合型骨干人员的培训需求,并提出优化我国基层医防管复合型骨干人员培养的建议,为落实“十四五”国民健康规划提供参考。
    方法 于2023年1月,采用多阶段抽样方法,对我国25个省(自治区、直辖市)107个地级市(自治州、区/县)共1 641名社区卫生服务中心和乡镇卫生院的基层医务人员进行基层医防管复合型骨干人员培训需求问卷调查,调查内容包括基本能力、医疗能力、预防能力和管理能力四个主要方面。
    结果 在基本能力中,对执业注册资格的培训需求最高为48.08%(789/1 641);医疗能力中对急症处理与院前急救的培训需求最高46.62%(765/1 641);预防能力中对社区卫生服务调查的培训需求最高45.52%(747/1 641);管理能力中对人才培养与科研带教能力培训需求最高51.86%(851/1 641);对基本公卫项目实施与管理的培训需求最低33.88%(556/1 641);西部地区和乡镇卫生院基层医务人员对各方面需求均较高。
    结论 我国基层医防管复合型骨干人员的培训需求存在地区差异、城乡差异和能力差异。建议统筹基层医防管复合型骨干人员培养和村(居)委公共卫生委员会建设,明确其相应的能力培养要求,加快标准制定工作。


    Objective To understand the training needs of primary healthcare professionals with integrated medical, preventive, and managerial skills, and to propose suggestions for optimizing the training of such personnel in China, providing a reference for the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" for National Health.
    Methods In January 2023, a multi-stage sampling method was used to conduct a questionnaire survey on the training needs of 1 641 primary healthcare professionals from community health service centers and township hospitals in 107 prefecture-level cities (autonomous prefectures, districts/counties) across 25 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) in China. The survey covered four main areas: basic skills, medical skills, preventive skills, and managerial skills.
    Results Among basic skills, the highest training need was for practicing registration qualifications, at 48.08% (789/1 641). For medical skills, the highest training need was for emergency treatment and pre-hospital first aid, at 46.62% (765/1 641). For preventive skills, the highest training need was for community health service investigation, at 45.52% (747/1 641). For managerial skills, the highest training need was for personnel training and scientific research teaching, at 51.86% (851/1 641). The lowest training need was for the implementation and management of basic public health programs, at 33.88% (556/1 641). Primary healthcare professionals in western regions and township hospitals had higher needs in all areas.
    Conclusions There are regional, urban-rural, and skill-based differences in the training needs of primary healthcare professionals with integrated medical, preventive, and managerial skills in China. It is recommended to coordinate the training of these personnel with the development of village (community) public health committees, clarify their corresponding skill development requirements, and accelerate the standardization process.


