

Comorbidity of common chronic diseases among the elderly in China

  • 摘要: 目的 调查2010年中国老年居民多种慢性病共存状况。方法 在对样本进行复杂加权后,分析2010年中国慢性病及其危险因素监测调查数据中19525名≥60岁老年居民5种常见慢性病(高血压、糖尿病、慢性阻塞性肺部疾病、哮喘、肿瘤)患病情况,并比较不同特征老年慢性病患者多病共存情况。结果 74.20%的老年居民至少患有1种常见慢性病,患病率女性(75.32%)高于男性(73.01%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=6.8866,P=0.0087),城市患病率(75.76%)高于农村(72.96%),差异亦有统计学意义(χ2=6.8059,P=0.0091);在14316名老年慢性病患者中,患有1、2、≥3种常见慢性病的比例分别为71.94%、24.27%、3.79%,东部地区、城市居民、年龄越大、文化程度越高,多种慢性病共存情况越严重。结论 在中国老年居民中,慢性病患病率高、多种慢性病共存情况较严重。


    Abstract: Objective To investigate the comorbidity of common chronic diseases among Chinese elderly.Methods The data on five common chronic diseases(hypertension,diabetes,chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,asthma,and tumor) for 19 525 residents aged 60 years and over were extracted from the database of Chronic Non-communicable Disease and Risk Factor Surveillance-2010 and complex weighting method was adopted in data analyses.Results Among the elderly,74.20% had at least one of the 5 common chronic diseases,and the prevalence of the diseases was higher in the female elderly(75.32%) than in the males(73.01%)(χ2=6.8866,P=0.0087)and the prevalence was higher in the urban elderly(75.76%) than in the rural elderly(72.96%)(χ2=6.8059,P=0.0091).Among the 14 316 elderly with chronic diseases,the ratio of suffering from one,two,and three or more chronic diseases were 71.94%,24.27%,and 3.79%,respectively.The comorbidity was remarkably serious among the elderly with older age,having higher education,and living in urban areas or eastern regions.Conclusion Among the residents aged 60 years and over,the prevalence of common chronic disease is very high and the comorbidity of the five common chronic diseases is also very serious.


