

Anxiety characteristic in air passengers: a cross-sectional analysis

  • 摘要:
      目的  了解航空旅客焦虑情绪特征及其影响因素,为提高旅客服务质量及完善航空卫生保健机制提供借鉴。
      方法  2015年1月 — 2016年12月,采用简单随机抽样法,分别对民航东北、华北、华东、中南、西南等地区的10个机场共计2 526名航空旅客进行特质焦虑量表、简易应对方式量表、自编基于心理需求的焦虑倾向量表调查。
      结果  旅客特质焦虑为(38.85 ± 8.23)分、积极应对为(23.65 ± 5.44)分、消极应对为(15.77 ± 3.92)分、焦虑倾向为(70.33 ± 6.55)分。航班延误知情权为(4.01 ± 0.97)分,延误餐宿解决质量为(3.83 ± 0.92)分,航班正点率为(3.68 ± 1.12)分,起飞降落平稳性为(3.62 ± 0.86)分,行李完好性为(3.57 ± 0.91)分,是影响旅客焦虑的主要因素;行李安全与质量4.43 ± 0.82分,通知及时性4.28 ± 0.86分,餐宿安排质量4.27 ± 0.99分,延误知情权4.25 ± 1.13分,延误赔偿承诺4.14 ± 0.80分,是旅客最期望解决的因素。不同年龄、飞行时间、出行去向的旅客的特质焦虑差异有统计学意义(均P < 0.001),不同性别、年龄、飞行频率的旅客的积极应对差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.05),不同性别、年龄、飞行频率、飞行时间、出行方向的旅客的消极应对差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.01),不同性别、年龄、飞行频率、飞行时间、出行方向的旅客的焦虑倾向差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.001)。特质焦虑、应对方式、焦虑倾向之间均呈明显相关关系。应对方式在特质焦虑与焦虑倾向间的多重中介效应显著,其效应量占总效应量的34.8 %;积极应对、消极应对的中介作用效应显著,其中介效应量分别占间接效应的60.5 %、39.5 %。61.8 %、41.6 %、35.9 %、32.3 %、31.8 %的旅客分别在航班延误、起飞、提取行李、候机、值机阶段产生焦虑情绪,41.8 %、32.5 %、31.8 %、21.9 %的旅客分别伴随有心跳加速、耳痛、头晕头痛、恶心等身体症状,51.5 %、44.2 %的旅客常以睡觉、听音乐/看报/看视频等方式来应对。
      结论  航空公司、机场等运营管理部门可在航班延误应急处置、行李安全质量保障、客舱服务等方面制定针对性强的管理策略与服务模式,提升旅客卫生保健工作质量与效率。


      Objective  To examine characteristic and influencing factors of anxiety among air passengers and to provide evidences for improving service quality and health care during air travel.
      Methods  A total of 2 526 air passengers were selected with simple random sampling at 10 airports in various regions of China and surveyed with Trait Anxiety Inventory, Simple Coping Style Scale, and an Anxiety Tendency Scale self-designed based on psychological needs of air passengers.
      Results  The respondents′ mean scores were 38.85 ± 8.23 for trait-anxiety, 23.65 ± 5.44 for positive coping, 15.77 ± 3.92 for negative coping, and 70.33 ± 6.55 for anxiety tendency, respectively. The mean scores for major factors affecting the passengers′ anxiety were 4.01 ± 0.97 for the right to get the information on flight delays, 3.83 ± 0.92 for accommodation quality in case of flight delay, 3.68 ± 1.12 for flight punctuality rate, 3.62 ± 0.86 for smooth flight during takeoff and landing, and 3.57 ± 0.91 for good condition of checked baggage; the mean scores for passengers′ most desired to be improved anxiety-related items were 4.43 ± 0.82 for safety and good condition of checked baggage , 4.28 ± 0.86 for timeliness for flight related notification, 4.27 ± 0.99 for accommodation quality, 4.25 ± 1.13 for the right to get the information on flight delays, and 4.14 ± 0.80 for commitment of flight delay compensation, respectively. Among the passengers, the trait-anxiety differed significantly by age, time of air travel, and travel destination ( all P < 0.001); the positive coping differed significantly by gender, age, and air travel frequency (all P < 0.05) and negative coping by gender, age, air travel frequency, time of air travel, and travel destination (all P < 0.01); the anxiety tendency differed significantly by gender, age, air travel frequency, time of air travel, and travel destination (all P < 0.001). There were significant correlations among trait-anxiety, coping style and anxiety tendency. Coping style played a significant multiple mediation effect on the correlation between trait anxiety and anxiety tendency, accounting for 34.8% of the total variance. Both positive and negative coping had significant mediation effect on the correlation between trait anxiety and anxiety tendency, accounting for 60.5% and 39.5% of the indirect effect. The proportions of passengers reporting anxious emotion during different period of time were 61.8% for flight delay, 41.6% at the time of takeoff, 35.9% for baggage reclaim, 32.3% at the time of waiting for departure, and 31.8% at the time of check-in; the proportions of passengers reporting anxiety-related symptoms were 41.8% for increased heart rate, 32.5% for earache, 31.8% for dizziness and headache, and 21.9% for nausea and other symptoms. There were 51.5% and 44.2% of the passengers reporting adoptions of sleep and listening to music/reading newspaper/watching videos to cope with anxious emotion.
      Conclusion  Anxiety is prevalence and influenced by multiple factors among air passengers and specific management measures and service modes should be developed by relevant agencies to promote passengers′ health care during air travel.


