

Prevalence and risk factors of unexplained syncope among primary and secondary school students in Zhengzhou city

  • 摘要:
      目的  调查河南省郑州市中小学生不明原因晕厥发病率,并分析其危险因素,为预防不明原因晕厥提供有效建议。
      方法  于2017年1月 — 2018年4月,采用分层整群抽样方法在郑州市随机抽取4 028名城乡中小学生,统计不明原因晕厥发病率、频次、诱发因素、晕厥先兆等,并分析影响晕厥发生的危险因素。
      结果  郑州市中小学生有784例发生晕厥,占19.46 %,其中51例有家族晕厥史,占6.51 %,晕厥发生率随年龄增长呈逐步增高趋势;发生1次晕厥有427例,占54.46 %;女生晕厥发病率明显高于男生(P < 0.05);诱发因素中排便排尿诱发男生晕厥率明显高于女生,而闷热环境、久站诱发女生晕厥率明显高于男生(P < 0.05);晕厥先兆中恶心呕吐、大汗、胸闷、头晕女生发病率明显高于男生(P < 0.05);在中小学生晕厥持续时间中,数秒所占比例最高(51.15 %), > 10 min所占比例最低(9.69 %);在体位中,晕厥时站立位所占比例最高(73.72 %),坐位所占比例最低(7.27 %);年龄、性别、焦虑程度是不明原因晕厥发生的危险因素(均P < 0.05)。
      结论  郑州市中小学生不明原因晕厥发病率较高,随年龄增长呈上升趋势,年龄、性别、焦虑程度是其危险因素,对此应采取健康教育、减压、体育锻炼等措施预防晕厥发生。


      Objective   To investigate the incidence and its risk factors of unexplained syncope among primary and middle school students in Zhengzhou city, Henan province and to provide evidences for the prevention of unexplained syncope.
      Methods  From January 2017 to April 2018, 4 028 urban and rural primary and secondary school students were randomly selected by stratified cluster sampling method in Zhengzhou, the incidence, frequency, inducing factors and the precursors of syncope were counted, and the risk factors affecting syncope were analyzed.
      Results  784 (19.46%) reported the incident of syncope. Among the students, the self-reported syncope incidence increased with the increment of age and the incidence was significantly higher in the girl students than in the boy students (P < 0.05). Of the syncope cases, 427 (54.46%) had the incident only once and 51 (6.51%) reported family history of syncope; 51.15% had the syncope incident duration of several seconds and only 9.69% had the incident duration of more than 10 minutes; 73.72% had the incident when in standing position and 7.27% in sitting position. Significantly higher ratio of male syncope cases than the female cases reported the incident being induced by urination (P < 0.05), while significantly higher ratio of female than the male cases reported the incident being induced by hot and humid environment and long time of standing (both P < 0.05); the female syncope cases also reported significantly higher frequencies of premonitory symptoms as nausea and vomiting, heavy sweating, chest distress, and dizziness (all P < 0.05). The risk factors of unexplained syncope included age, gender, and anxiety among the students.
      Conclusion  The incidence of unexplained syncope is relatively high and mainly influenced by age, gender and anxiety among primary and secondary school students in Zhengzhou city; health education on prevention of syncope should be promoted among the students.


