

Prevalence and influencing factors of perimenopausal syndrome among 40 – 55 years old clinical nurse practitioners engaged in clinical practice in a major hospital

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解大医院临床一线40~55岁女性执业护士围绝经期综合征(MPS)发生情况及其危险因素,为采取相应的干预措施提供参考依据。
    方法 于2018年8 — 12月整群抽取中国医科大学附属盛京医院775名临床一线40~55岁女性执业护士进行问卷调查。
    结果 大医院775名临床一线40~55岁女性执业护士中,发生MPS者589例,MPS发生率为76.00 %;其中轻度、中度和重度者分别为304、261和24例,分别占MPS者的51.61 %、44.31 %和4.08 %;MPS居于前5位的症状依次为情绪波动、肌肉及骨关节痛、潮热出汗、疲倦乏力和失眠,分别发生509、483、477、451和426例,发生率分别为65.68 %、62.32 %、61.55 %、57.09 % 和54.97 %;多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄≥ 46岁、护龄 ≥ 20年、从业科室为高风险科室、倒班和月经紊乱是大医院临床一线40~55岁女性执业护士发生MPS的危险因素。
    结论 大医院临床一线40~55岁女性执业护士MPS发生率较高,年龄较大、护龄较长、在高风险科室、倒班和月经紊乱的40~55岁女性执业护士更易发生MPS。


    Objective To investigate the prevalence and influencing factors of perimenopausal syndrome (MPS) among nurse practitioners aged 40 – 55 years and engaged in clinical practice in a major hospital and to provide references for developing relevant intervention measures.
    Methods Using cluster sampling, we conducted a questionnaire survey among 809 female nurse practitioners at ages of 40 – 55 years and engaged in clinical practice in a major tertiary hospital in Shenyang city of Liaoning province from August to December 2018.
    Results Among the 775 nurses with valid information, 589 were assessed as MPS and the prevalence of MPS was 76.00%. Of all the respondents having MPS, 51.61% (304), 44.31% (261) and 4.08% (24) reported symptoms of mild, moderate and severe MPS, respectively. For all the respondents, the top five MPS symptoms were mood fluctuation, muscle and joint pain, hot flashes, sweating, fatigue and insomnia, which were reported by 509 (65.68%), 483 (62.32%), 477 (61.55%), 451 (57.09%) and 426 (54.97%) of the respondents. Unconditional multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that aged ≥ 46 years, engaged in nursing practice 20 years and more, working in departments with high occupational risk, involved in shift work, and having abnormal menstruation were risk factors for MPS among the respondents.
    Conclusion The prevalence of MPS is high among nurse practitioners aged 40 – 55 years and engaged in clinical practice in a major hospital, especially among those at elder age, with more years of nursing practice, working in departments with high occupational risk, involved in shift work, and having abnormal menstruation.


