

A cancer screening survey among urban residents in Hangzhou city: cost-effectiveness and cost-untility analysis

  • 摘要:
      目的  对城市居民常见癌症筛查项目进行成本效果分析和成本效用分析,为开展癌症筛查和早诊早治项目的卫生决策提供科学依据。
      方法  采用整群随机抽样方法,于2013年12月 — 2014年7月在浙江省杭州市江干区和拱墅区动员所有40~69岁常住户籍居民,按照知情同意自愿原则接受有关癌症的流行病学问卷调查和高风险评估。检出的高风险对象免费接受肺癌、肝癌、上消化道癌、女性乳腺癌和大肠癌临床筛查;并对所有筛查阳性个体随访至2016年12月。以筛查结果和对筛查受访者的间接费用数据、健康效用数据为基础,对5类常见筛查的成本进行测算,并计算成本效果比(CER)及成本效用比(CUR)。
      结果  大肠癌确诊病例检出率最高,为0.56 %,其次为上消化道癌(0.33 %)、乳腺癌(0.24 %)、肺癌(0.14 %)以及肝癌(0)。肺癌、乳腺癌、上消化道癌、大肠癌的成本效果比分别为39.32、19.27、18.07、11.34万元/例。每检出1例乳腺阳性患者所需费用最低,为2 294.51元,每检出1例肺部阳性患者为2 333.27元,每检出1例大肠阳性患者为2 349.66元;每检出1例肝部阳性患者费用最高,为84 078.55元,其次为上消化道,每检出1例阳性患者需花费7 856.31元。肺癌、肝癌、上消化道癌、乳腺癌、大肠癌的成本效用比依次为6 380.71、6 347.95、2 597.09、1 630.44、1 272.76元/QALY。
      结论  大肠癌、上消化道癌及乳腺癌筛查可在全国范围内优化推广,肝癌和肺癌筛查有待进一步的卫生经济学评价研究。


      Objective  To evaluate cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of a cancer screening among residents in urban Hangzhou and to provide evidences for developing strategies on early diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
      Methods  Using cluster sampling, we conducted a cancer screening survey among 20 036 permanent residents aged 40 – 69 years in two urban districts of Hangzhou city, Zhejiang province between December 2013 and July 2014.The survey included a questionnaire interview-based assessment for cancer risks of lung, liver, upper digestive tract, female breast, and colon for all the participants, voluntary clinical screening examinations free of charge for identified participants at high cancer risk, a questionnaire survey on nonmedical cost for taking the screening among 1 300 participants having the screening detections, and three waves of follow-up till December 2016 using the EuroQol 5-Dimensional Questionnaire (EQ-5D) for 343 participants with positive screening results. Data on direct/indirect cost and health utilities of the screening were collected and cost-effectiveness ratio and cost-utility ratio of the screening survey were estimated.
      Results  Among the participants receiving screening examinations, the detection rate of colorectal cancer was the highest (0.56%, 4/713), followed by that of upper digestive tract cancer (0.33%, 3/906), female breast cancer (0.24%, 2/839), and lung cancer (0.14%); no liver cancer case was detected among 1 224 examinees. The total cost for detecting one cancer case was 393 200 yuan (RMB) for lung cancer, 192 700 yuan for breast cancer, 180 700 for upper gastrointestinal cancer and 113 400 yuan for colorectal cancer. The total cost of detecting one case with positive indication was the highest (84 078.55 yuan) for liver cancer, followed by 7 856.31 yuan for upper digestive tract cancer, 2 349.66 yuan for colon canceer, 2 333.27 yuan for liver cancer, 2 294.51 yuan for female breast cancer. The cost-utility ratio (CUR) for the screening of lung, liver, upper digestive tract, female breast cancer, and colorectal cancer were 6 380.71 yuan/per quality-adjusted life year (QALY), 6 347.95 yuan/QALY, 2 597.09 yuan/QALY, 1 163.44 yuan/QALY, and 1 272.76 yuan/QALY, respectively.
      Conclusion  Screening of colon, upper digestive tract and female breast cancer can be optimized and promoted nationwide but the screening of of liver and lung cancer need to be evaluated economically.


