

Disease cognition, coping style and exercise behavior among the public during novel coronavirus epidemic: an online survey

  • 摘要:
      目的  了解新冠肺炎疫情期公众新冠肺炎基本知识认知情况、对疫情的应对方式和锻炼行为情况,为相关部门制定针对性的新冠肺炎防控干预策略和措施提供参考。
      方法  于2020年1月30日 — 31日进行48小时线上问卷调研,通过“微信”APP作为问卷传播媒介,采用自行设计的调研问卷,开展电子问卷调研,共收取1 893份有效问卷。
      结果  公众新冠肺炎基本知识评分及格率为92.9 %(1 759/1 893),有34.81 %(659/1 893)评分在良好及以上;公众对疫情的应对方式评分不及格率为38.44 %(728/1 893),良好及以上比例为5.4 %(102/1 893);在调查开始的过去一周内,共有52.14 %(987/1 893)的调研对象在不同场所进行过主动锻炼;公众对疫情的应对方式与锻炼行为正相关(P < 0.01),疫情关注时间和与预防手段认知、新冠肺炎基本知识认知总分呈正相关(r = 0.111、0.087,P < 0.01)。
      结论  公众对新冠肺炎基本知识的认知、应对方式需要进一步提升。随着疫情的发展,公众需要多种途径、有针对性、全方位的新冠肺炎防控资讯的指导,并将知识内化为个体积极应对疾病的行为。


      Objective  To examine basic knowledge, coping style and exercise behavior among the public during the novel coronavirus epidemic outbreak and to provide references for developing targeted strategies and measures on prevention and control of novel coronavirus pneumonia.
      Methods  We conducted an online survey during 30 – 31, January 2020 via Wechat App using a self-designed questionnaire.
      Results  Valid information were collected from 1 893 responders (47.07% males and 52.93% females aged 18 – 80 years, with a mean age of 31.05 ± 9.86) in 20 provincial level regions across China. Of the responders, 92.90% and 34.81% were scaled pass and good and above scores for the knowledge about the novel coronavirus epidemic; 38.44% were scaled poor scores and only 5.40% were scaled good and above scores for appropriate behavior coping with the epidemic. Among the responders, 52.14% reported having active physical exercise in various places during previous one week. For all the responders, appropriate coping behavior correlated positively with physical exercise (P < 0.05); the daily consumed time for getting the epidemic-related information correlated positively with the score for cognitions on the epidemic's prevention measures (r = 0.111, P < 0.01) and on general knowledge about the epideic (r = 0.087, P < 0.01).
      Conclusion  Targeted and multiple measures for guidances on the control of novel coronavirus epidemic should be promoted to improve the cognition on basic knowledge about and behaviors coping with the epidemic among the public in China.


