

Characteristics of high-risk sexual behaviors before infection confirmation among middle-aged and elderly people living with human immunodeficiency virus

  • 摘要:
      目的   对不同感染途径的中老年艾滋病病毒感染者(HIV)和艾滋病患者(AIDS)进行回顾性调查分析,了解其确证前高危行为特征及影响因素。
      方法   采用自制问卷调查2017 — 2019年6月30日确证HIV感染,现住址为湖北省武汉市的 ≥ 50岁且当前存活的449例中老年HIV/AIDS患者确证前高危性行为和艾滋病防治知识。运用χ2检验及logistic多因素分析探索其高危性行为影响因素。
      结果   多因素分析显示外出工作史(OR = 4.55)、年收入能完全满足收支平衡(OR = 4.22)、商业异性性行为史(OR = 11.20)是异性(非配偶阳性)途径感染患者确证前多性伴危险因素;外出工作史(OR = 10.04)、年收入能完全满足收支平衡(OR = 26.29)、非商业临时同性性行为史(OR = 35.37)是同性途径感染患者确证前多性伴危险因素,艾滋病防治知识(OR = 0.07/0.04)是保护因素。
      结论  有外出工作史及收入能满足收支平衡的中老年人多性伴风险增加。


      Objective   To analyze the characteristics and influencing factors of high-risk sexual behaviors before infection confirmation among middle-aged and elderly people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV) transmitted via different routes.
      Methods   We recruited 449 PLHIV in Wuhan city of Hubei province and aged 50 years and older at the diagnosis during the period from 2017 to June 30, 2019. A face-to-face anonymous survey was conducted among the PLHIV using a self-designed questionnaire to collect information on high-risk sexual behaviors and HIV-related knowledge before the confirmation of HIV infection. Chi-square test and multivariate analysis were used to explore influencing factors for high-risk sexual behaviors.
      Results   Complete information were collected from 419 participants (353 males and 66 females with a mean age of 59.67 ± 7.48 years). The reported HIV transmission routes included extramarital heterosexual behaviors for 215 (51.3%) of the participants, heterosexual behaviors between HIV-discordant couples for 40 (9.5%) of the participants and homosexual behaviors for 164 (39.1%) of the participants. Multivariate analysis showed that for the participants being infected via extramarital heterosexual behaviors, ever working in places other than hometown (odds ratio OR = 4.55), being capable of making annual balance between income and expenditure (OR = 4.22), and history of commercial heterosexual behavior (OR = 11.20) were risk factors for multiple sexual partners before HIV infection confirmation; while for the participants being infected via homosexual behaviors, ever working in places other than hometown (odds ratio OR = 10.04), being capable of making annual balance between income and expenditure (OR = 26.29), and history of non-commercial temporary homosexual behavior (OR = 35.37) were risk factors for multiple sexual partners before HIV infection confirmation, but with a common knowledge/without knowledge about AIDS prevention (OR = 0.04/0.07) was a protective factor against multiple sexual partner.
      Conclusion   Ever working in places other than hometown and being capable of making annual balance between income and expenditure are risk factors for multiple sexual partners before infection confirmation among middle-aged and elderly people living with human immunodeficiency virus.


