

Acceptance of mental health education and its influencing factors among elderly migrants in China, 2017

  • 摘要:
      目的  了解老年流动人口接受心理健康教育服务现状及其影响因素,为促进和完善老年流动人口心理健康教育服务和心理健康素养相关政策的制定和实践提供参考依据。
      方法  基于2017年全国流动人口动态监测调查数据中5 729名老年流动人口数据,利用SPSS 25.0统计软件分析其接受心理健康教育服务现状及影响因素。
      结果  5 729名老年流动人口中接受过心理健康教育1 672人,接受教育率为29.2 %,其中,60~64、65~69、70~74、 ≥ 75岁接受健康教育率分别为29.2 %、30.5 %、29.9 %、24.2 %。接受心理健康教育方式主要为宣传资料(纸质、影视)、宣传栏/电子显示屏、公众健康咨询、健康知识讲座、个性化面对面咨询和社区短信/微信/网络,分别占90.1 %、82.0 %、70.0 %、67.5 %、48.8 % 和 39.4 %。二分类logistic回归分析结果显示,西部地区、已建立健康档案、听说过“国家基本公共卫生服务”、自评健康、完全愿意融入本地人、高度社区卷入的老年流动人口更倾向于接受心理健康教育服务。年龄为 ≥ 75岁、教育程度为小学及以下、在本地有困难、流动时间 ≥ 10年、流动原因为家属随迁(照顾老人或小孩)的老年流动人口更不倾向于接受心理健康教育服务。
      结论  老年流动人口接受心理健康教育率较低;不同年龄、受教育程度、在本地是否有困难、自评健康状况、流动时间、流动原因、流入地区域、是否听说“国家基本公共卫生服务”、是否建立健康档案、社区卷入、融入本地意愿是流动老人接受心理健康教育服务的主要影响因素。


      Objective  To examine the acceptance of mental health education and its associates among elderly migrants and to provide evidences for developing strategies and programs to promote mental health education service and mental health literacy in the population.
      Methods  The data on 5 729 migrant people aged 60 years and above and living locally at least 6 months were extracted from the China Migrants Dynamic Survey conducted in 31 provincial level administrative divisions across China in 2017. SPSS 25.0 was used in data analyses.
      Results  Among all the participants, only 29.2% (1 672) reported having received mental health education during past one year in villages/communities and the reported proportions were 29.2%, 30.5%, 29.9%, and 24.2% in the participants aged 60 – 64, 65 – 69, 70 – 74, and ≥ 75 years, respectively. The major patterns of the mental health education were via publicity materials (papers, films and television programs), billboards/electronic displays, public health consultation, and health knowledge lectures, which were reported by 90.1%, 82.0%, 70.0%, and 67.5% of the 1 672 health education receivers; other two patterns reported by 48.8% and 39.4% of the receivers were via personalized face-to-face consultation and via community short message service/WeChat/networks. The results of binary logistic regression analysis showed that the participants with following characteristics were more willing to receive mental health education service: immigrating to regions in western China, having personal health records being established, being aware of national basic public health service, with a good self-rated health, with a strong willingness to integrate into local social environment, and having a high community involvement; while, aged 75 years and above, with the education of primary school or below, with difficulties in local region, experiencing the migration for more than 10 years, and migrating due to the migration of family members such as the elderly or children to be cared were less likely to receive mental health education.
      Conclusion  In elderly migrant population in China, the acceptance of mental health education was at a relatively low level and mainly influenced by age, education, whether having difficulties in local region, self-rated health, duration of migration, reasons for migration, inflow region, the awareness about national basic public health services, the establishment of personal health record, community involvement, and the willingness to be assimilated into local social environment.


