

Influenza vaccine hesitancy among parents of children in primary/secondary schools and kindergartens in Guiyang city: a “3C” model-based analysis

  • 摘要:
      目的  了解贵阳市学生家长流感疫苗犹豫程度,基于“3C”模型分析其影响因素,为校园流感防控提供参考数据。
      方法  于2021年9月采用横断面调查法,抽取贵州省贵阳市45所学校12 285名学生家长进行网络问卷调查。
      结果  拒绝流感疫苗的家长占13.31 %,中立的占24.42 %,接受的占62.27 %;单因素方差分析结果显示,信任维度得分越高(F = 175.758,P < 0.001),自满维度得分越低(F = 365.061,P < 0.001),便利维度得分越高(F = 71.173,P < 0.001),疫苗犹豫程度越低。多元线性回归分析结果显示,学生母亲、有2个子女的家长流感疫苗信任度较低;学生母亲、有2个子女以及最小子女年龄 ≥ 6岁的家长自满情绪较高;大专学历、平均月收入 > 5 000元的家长带孩子接种流感疫苗的便利性较高,疫苗犹豫程度较低。
      结论  流感疫苗犹豫程度与“3C”模型的3个维度(信任、自满、便利)之间存在一定的相关性,可采取措施提高家长对流感疫苗的信任,减少其自满情绪,并为学生接种开辟便捷通道以提高贵阳市学生流感疫苗接种率。


      Objective  To investigate the prevalence and influencing factors of influenza vaccine hesitancy among parents of children in primary/secondary schools and kindergartens in Guiyang city for providing references to influenza prevention in schools and kindergartens.
      Methods  Using two-stage stratified random cluster sampling, we conducted an online survey among 12 338 parents of children from 15 secondary/15 primary schools and 15 kindergartens in Guiyang city, Guizhou province during September 2021. The study adopted a modified questionnaire developed by domestic researchers based on the theory of confidence, complacency, and convenience (“3C”).
      Results  Of the 12 885 respondents (9 538 mothers and 2 747 fathers aged 37.74 ± 7.44 years) with valid replies, 62.27% reported the acceptance of their children′s influenza vaccination; 24.42% expressed neutral attitude towards the vaccination; and 13.13% refused to have their children vaccinated against influenza. Univariate analysis of variance showed that the parents′ influenza vaccine hesitancy was positively correlated with their complacency score (F = 365.061, P < 0.001) but inversely with confidence score (F = 175.758, P < 0.001) and convenience score (F = 71.173, P < 0.001). The results of multivariate linear regression analysis showed that the respondents being mother and having two children were more likely to have a lower confidence in influenza vaccines; the respondents being mother, having two children and with a youngest child of more than 6 years old were more likely to have a higher complacency; the respondents with the education of college and having an average monthly income of more than 5 000 yuan RMB were more likely to have a higher perceived convenience for their children′s vaccination and a lower influenza vaccine hesitancy.
      Conclusion  Based on "3C" model, the parents′ hesitancy for their children′s influenza vaccination is associated with their confidence, complacency, and convenience in the vaccination. The results suggest that measures on improving confidence but reducing complacency in influenza vaccine could be implemented among parents to increase influenza vaccination coverage among children.


