

Association of self-reported craniocerebral trauma with re-offending: a cross-sectional survey among prisoners and detainees

  • 摘要:
      目的   研究颅脑外伤与重新犯罪风险的关系。
      方法  利用“重新犯罪问题调查问卷”于2019年8 — 12月在我国13个省(直辖市)78所监狱、未成年管教所或社区矫正中心对8417名犯人进行调查,采用χ2检验、logistic回归分析颅脑外伤史与重新犯罪的关系。
      结果  重新犯罪人员自报有颅脑外伤史的占比为14.90%,高于初次犯罪人员的8.55%,差异有统计学意义(χ2 = 67.34,P < 0.001)。与无颅脑外伤史人群比,有颅脑外伤史人群重新犯罪风险增加(OR = 1.87,95% CI = 1.61 ~ 2.18),调整年龄、性别、婚姻状况、居住地类型、受教育程度、家庭类型、自报经济状况、父亲和母亲受教育程度后的OR = 1.51(95%CI = 1.28~1.78)。
      结论  颅脑外伤与重新犯罪风险增加相关。针对颅脑外伤“早发现、早治疗和早干预”,以及服刑期间犯罪人员颅脑外伤常规筛查和治疗康复,对于预防重新犯罪具有重要意义。


      Objective  To investigate the relationship between craniocerebral trauma and the risk of recidivism among prisoners.
      Methods  With multi-stage equidistant sampling and the Re-Offending Questionnaire developed by domestic researchers, a face-to-face survey was conducted among 8 417 prisoners and detainees in 78 prisons, juvenile correctional facilities or community correction centres in 13 provinces and municipalities in China during August – December 2019. The relationship between the history of craniocerebral trauma and recidivism was analyzed using Chi-square test and logistic regression model.
      Results  Totally 7 502 participants with complete information were included in the analysis. Craniocerebral trauma history was reported by 14.90% of 4 483 re-offenders and the ratio was significantly higher than that (8.55%) reported by the 3 019 first-time offenders (χ2 = 67.34, P < 0.001). Compared to those without craniocerebral trauma history, the participants with craniocerebral trauma history were at an increased risk of recidivism (unadjusted odds ratio OR = 1.87, 95% confidence interval 95%CI: 1.61 – 2.18) and the risk remained significantly higher (OR = 1.51, 95%CI: 1.28 – 1.78) after adjusting for age, sex, marital status, residence region, education level, family type, self-reported economic status, and parental education level.
      Conclusion  The study found a significant association of craniocerebral trauma with increased risk of recidivism. The result highlights the importance of early detection, treatment, and intervention, as well as routine screening and rehabilitation of craniocerebral trauma, in preventing re-offending among prisoners and detainees.


