

Evolution of whole society participation in AIDS prevention and control in China: a brief discussion

  • 摘要: 尽管当前越来越多的人文社会科学研究进入到了艾滋病防控领域,但少有能够以全景式的视角把握中国艾滋病防制事业的历史进程与社会效应的研究与讨论。基于此,本文尝试以重塑艾滋病作为“社会问题”的定位为出发点,回顾中国防艾抗艾近40年的发展历程。研究发现,中国的艾防理念实际上经历了从“防治”到“防制”的重大转变,中国艾滋病防制事业的发展与演进,实际上就是一个发现“社会”、重视“社会”的历史过程,其本质上是“社会”逐渐由“依从”走向“能动”。因此,从长远来看,积极重视和团结艾防场域中的社会力量与服务对象,持续培育和提升其主体性与能动性,才能真正构筑起艾滋病的社会防制共同体。


    Abstract: Recognizing AIDS epidemic as a social problem, the article reviews the development process of society participation in AIDS prevention in China during the past 40 years from a panoramic perspective. During the period in China, the concept of AIDS prevention changed from prevention and treatment to prevention and control with a passivity to initiative transformation occurring in the development of whole society participation in AIDS containment. From a long - term consideration, the initiative of whole society participation in AIDS prevention and control needs to be promoted continuously for the construction of a prevention community for effective control of AIDS epidemic.


