

Prevalence and influence factors of school lunch food waste among primary and middle school students in Zhejiang province, 2021

  • 摘要:
      目的  分析浙江省中小学生午餐剩饭剩菜情况及影响因素。
      方法  于2021年在浙江省11个市共抽取城镇和农村中小学生20986人,采用学生问卷收集调查对象的基本信息和剩饭剩菜原因,采用多因素logistic回归分析剩饭剩菜的影响因素。
      结果  浙江省中小学生剩饭剩菜率为58.93%(12368人)。小学生的剩饭剩菜率为56.49%(5880人),剩饭和剩菜频率都以每月有1 ~ 3 d为主,分别占71.67%、45.65%。初中生的剩饭剩菜率为61.34%(6488人),剩饭频率以每月1~3 d为主,占63.67%,剩菜频率以每周1~4 d为主,占49.35%。多因素logistic回归分析显示,女生、 < 15岁、口味偏好(咸淡、油腻)、没上过营养与食品安全课程、食堂盛好的份饭、高频次吃零食是中小学生午餐剩饭剩菜的影响因素(P < 0.001)。
      结论  浙江省中小学生在校午餐剩饭剩菜率较高,学校、家庭应针对中小学生剩饭剩菜的主要影响因素开展干预, < 15岁的消瘦型女生是重点干预对象。


      Objective   To examine the prevalence and influence factors of school lunch food waste among primary and middle school students in Zhejiang province, China.
      Methods  Totally 20 986 rural/urban students were recruited with stratified random cluster sampling at 93 primary and middle schools in 11 cities across Zhejiang province. An onsite self-administered survey was conducted among the students using a self-designed questionnaire in 2021. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze impact factors of food waste.
      Results  Among all the students, 12 368 (58.93%) reported plate waste at school lunch. Of the primary school students, 5 880 (56.49%) reported plate waste at the frequency of 1 – 3 times per month and proportion of the students reporting staple and non-staple plate waste were 71.67% and 45.65%; of the middle school students, 6 448 (61.34%) reported plate waste, with 63.67% of the students reporting staple plate waste at frequency of 1 – 3 times per month and 49.35% reporting non-staple plate waste at frequency of 1 – 4 times per week, respectively. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that the being girl, aged < 15 years, with specific taste preference (light, salty, oily food), usually having a distributed meal serving at school lunch, and frequent consumption of snack were significant promoting factors of plate waste (P < 0.001 for all).
      Conclusion  The prevalence of school lunch food waste was relatively high among primary and middle school students, especially in the girls under 15 years of age or being underweight, in Zhejiang province, suggesting that the situation needs to intervened comprehensively.


