
深圳市南山区医院医务人员2021 — 2022年流感流行季流感疫苗接种干预效果评价

Effect of intervention on influenza vaccination during 2021 – 2022 influenza season among hospital professionals in a district of Shenzhen city

  • 摘要:
      目的  评价以非强制性的具体接种率要求对提高医务人员流感流行季流感疫苗的干预效果。
      方法  采用非随机分组的社区干预试验设计,对深圳市南山区7家医院进行分组,干预组4家医院共4 599人,对照组3家医院共2 139人。于2021年10月 — 2022年4月,对干预组实施“免费接种 + 现场接种 + 宣传提醒 + 接种率目标要求”的干预模式,对照组实施“免费接种 + 现场接种 + 宣传提醒”的干预模式;干预组高风险科室以80%的接种率作为目标,低风险科室以60%作为接种目标,采用调整比估计量的Pearson χ2检验对干预组和对照组的基线接种率以及干预后的接种率进行检验。
      结果  2021 — 2022年流感流行季,干预后干预组高风险科室医务人员当季流感疫苗接种率为62.67%,对照组接种率为23.71%,2组绝对率差(absolute rate difference,ARD)为38.96%(P < 0.05,95%CI = 14.17%~63.75%);干预组低风险科室医务人员当季流感疫苗接种率为34.57%,对照组接种率为22.96%,干预组所有医务人员流感疫苗接种率为43.90%,对照组接种率为23.19%,2组接种率接种率差异均无统计学意义(均P > 0.05)。以高接种率要求的干预效果具有显著差异,低接种率要求的干预效果无显著差异。
      结论  在未设置奖惩制度的前提下,以非强制性的具体接种率要求提高医务人员的流感疫苗接种率时,需设置较高的接种率目标以达到预期效果。


      Objective  To evaluate the effect of an intervention with a required non-mandatory vaccination rate on improving influenza vaccination among healthcare workers in 2021 – 2022 influenza season.
      Methods  We conducted a non-randomized community intervention trial on influenza vaccination among healthcare workers in 7 hospitals in Nanshan district of Shenzhen city during an influenza season from October 2021 to April 2022. Free on-site influenza vaccination and prompt publicity for the vaccination were carried out among all the participants; compared to the 2 139 control participants in 3 hospitals, an additional dissemination about the expected non-mandatory vaccination rate of 80% and 60% for the staff working in departments assessed as at high- and low-risk of influenza infection was implemented among 4 599 participants in 4 hospitals of the intervention group. Pearson′s chi-square test for adjusted ratio estimators was used to test the baseline and post-intervention vaccination rates for the intervention and control group.
      Results  Over the influenza season for the participants working in high-risk departments, the influenza vaccination rate was 62.67% and 23.71% in the intervention and the control group, with a significant absolute rate difference (ARD) of 38.96% (95% confidence interval: 14.17% – 63.75%) between the two groups (P < 0.05); for the participants of low-risk departments, the influenza vaccination rate was 34.57% and 22.96% in the intervention and the control group (P > 0.05); for all the participants, the influenza vaccination rate was 43.90% and 23.19% in the intervention and in the control group (P > 0.05). The intervention of dissemination about the expected vaccination rate showed a significant impact upon the influenza vaccination rate for the participants working in high-risk departments but not for those in low-risk departments.
      Conclusion  Under the premise of without both reward and punishment for having influenza vaccination, the dissemination of a high expected non-mandatory vaccination rate may increase the influenza vaccination rate among healthcare workers intervened.


