

Prevalence and influencing factors of chronic diseases and chronic multimorbidity among Uygur rural adults: a cross-sectional survey in Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps

  • 摘要:
      目的  了解新疆维吾尔族农村居民慢性病和慢性病共病患病情况及其影响因素,为当地维吾尔族农村居民慢性病的预防控制提供参考依据。
      方法  于2016年8 — 9月采用典型抽样方法在新疆生产建设兵团第三师51团招募14851名 ≥ 18岁维吾尔族农村居民进行问卷调查、体格检查和实验室检测,并采用多因素非条件logistic回归模型分析新疆维吾尔族农村居民慢性病和慢性病共病患病的影响因素。
      结果  最终纳入分析的12792名新疆维吾尔族农村居民中,患慢性病者8937例,慢性病患病率为69.9%;患慢性病共病者5770例,慢性病共病患病率为45.1%;纳入的18种慢性病中,慢性病患病率居于前3位的分别为代谢综合征(33.1%)、血脂异常(30.8%)和高血压(29.9%);慢性病共病患病率居于前3位的二元共病组合分别为血脂异常 + 高血压(12.2%)、代谢综合征 + 脂肪肝(9.7%)和血脂异常 + 脂肪肝(8.8%);慢性病共病患病率居于前3位的三元共病组合分别为代谢综合征 + 血脂异常 + 脂肪肝(6.8%)、代谢综合征 + 高血压 + 脂肪肝(6.0%)和代谢综合征 + 高血压 + 肌肉关节疾病(4.4%);多因素非条件logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄 ≥ 40岁、已婚和离异/丧偶、有慢性病家族史、肥胖和超重、中心性肥胖是新疆维吾尔族农村居民慢性病和慢性病共病患病的危险因素,文化程度小学及以上是新疆维吾尔族农村居民慢性病和慢性病共病患病的保护因素。
      结论  新疆维吾尔族农村居民慢性病和慢性病共病患病率均较高,年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况、慢性病家族史、体质指数和中心性肥胖为当地维吾尔族农村居民慢性病和慢性病共病患病的主要影响因素。


      Objective  To explore the prevalence and influencing factors of chronic diseases and chronic multimorbidity among Uygur rural adult residents in Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (Xinjiang).
      Methods  Using typical sampling, we recruited 14 851 Uygur rural residents aged ≥ 18 years in Xinjiang and conducted face-to-face interview with a self-designed questionnaire, physical examination, and laboratory tests among the residents during August – September 2016. Multivariate logistic regression model was used to analyze influencing factors of chronic diseases and chronic multimorbidity among the residents.
      Results  Of the 12 792 eligible participants, 8 937 (69.9%) were identified as having chronic diseases and 5 770 (45.1%) having chronic multimorbidity. The three diseases most frequently identified among the participants were metabolic syndrome (identified in 33.1% of the participants), dyslipidemia (30.8%), and hypertension (29.9%); the observed top three multimorbidities of two chronic conditions were dyslipidemia and hypertension (observed in 12.2% of the participants), metabolic syndrome and fatty liver (9.7%), and dyslipidemia and fatty liver (8.8%); and the observed top three multimorbidities of three chronic conditions were metabolic syndrome, dyslipidemia and fatty liver (6.8%), metabolic syndrome, hypertension and fatty liver (6.0%), and metabolic syndrome, hypertension and musculoskeletal disorder (4.4%). The results of multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed following risk factors for chronic diseases and chronic multimorbidity: aged 40 years or older, being married or divorced or widowed, with family history of chronic diseases, being obesity or overweight, and having central obesity; while, having the education of primary school and above was a protective factor against chronic diseases and chronic multimorbidity.
      Conclusion  The prevalence of chronic diseases and chronic multimorbidity were high and mainly influenced by age, education, marital status, family history of chronic disease, obesity or overweight, and central obesity among Uygur rural adults in Xinjiang.


