

Research progress on gut microbiota-mediated early life influencing factors on childhood obesity

  • 摘要: 生命早期婴幼儿阶段是肠道菌群定植和形成的关键时期,而研究表明,生命早期婴幼儿阶段肠道菌群定植和形成与未来儿童期肥胖发病存在关联;婴幼儿肠道菌群的定植极易受到分娩方式、早产、抗生素的暴露、喂养方式等生命早期因素的影响。了解生命早期影响因素、婴幼儿肠道菌群变化和儿童肥胖发病之间的转归规律,有助于揭示生命早期影响因素与儿童肥胖关联的潜在机制,并可为寻找儿童肥胖的干预靶点和实现早期肥胖防控提供参考依据,为此本文对肠道菌群介导生命早期影响因素致儿童肥胖相关研究进行了系统概述。


    Abstract: The early stage of life is a critical period for the colonization and formation of the gut microbiota. Research has shown that the colonization and formation of the gut microbiota in the early stage of life is associated with the development of obesity in childhood. The colonization of the infant gut microbiota is highly influenced by early life factors such as mode of delivery, premature birth, exposure to antibiotics, and feeding methods. Understanding the early life influencing factors, changes in the infant gut microbiota, and the trajectory of childhood obesity development can help reveal the potential mechanisms underlying the association between early life factors and childhood obesity. It can also provide reference and guidance for finding intervention targets for childhood obesity and achieving early prevention and control of obesity. Therefore, this article provided a systematic overview of research on the association between gut microbiota-mediated early life influencing factors and childhood obesity.


