

Adverse reactions to three sequential schedules of polio vaccination among infants: an active surveillance survey in a district of Handan city

  • 摘要:
    目的 评价脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)疫苗3种免疫程序的不良反应。
    方法 于2018年11 — 12月,选择河北省邯郸市肥乡区的 8 个预防接种门诊接种脊髓灰质炎灭活疫苗(inactivated poliovirus vaccine,IPV)和Ⅰ型Ⅲ型二价脊髓灰质炎减毒活疫苗(bivalent oral poliovirus vaccine,bOPV)的 ≥ 2月龄健康婴儿,随机分为IPV-bOPV-bOPV(a 组)、IPV-IPV-bOPV(b 组)及IPV-IPV- IPV (c 组)3个免疫程序组,每组均为72人,按照免疫程序分别在2、3、4月龄接种IPV或/和bOPV;采取主动监测方式收集3组受种儿每次接种后的疑似预防接种异常反应 ( adverse events following immunization,AEFI) 发生情况,比较3种免疫程序的AEFI报告发生率,并根据《全国疑似预防接种异常反应监测方案》进行分类,评价3种免疫程序的不良反应。
    结果 共报告AEFI 16例,AEFI报告发生率为2.52/100剂,a组、b组和c组分别报告AEFI 5例(2.23/100剂)、2例(0.97/100剂)、9例(4.41/100剂)。a组与b组、a组与c组的AEFI报告发生率差异均无统计学意义(χ2 = 1.079、1.603,P均 > 0.05);b组的AEFI报告发生率低于c组(χ2 = 4.683,P < 0.05)。男婴4例(1.57/100剂)、女婴12例(3.16/100剂),AEFI报告发生率差异无统计学意义(χ2 = 1.569,P > 0.05)。3种免疫程序报告的AEFI均为一般反应中的发热反应,其中低热1例(0.16/100剂)、中度热11例(1.73/100剂)、高热4例(0.63/100剂)。a组与b组、a组与c组发热反应的报告发生率差异均无统计学意义(χ2 = 1.079、1.603,P 均 > 0.05);b组与c组免疫程序发热反应的报告发生率差异有统计学意义(χ2 = 4.683,P < 0.05);3种免疫程序均未监测到罕见严重不良反应。AEFI个案均发生于接种第1剂(13例,6.02/100剂)、第2剂(3例,1.43/100剂)次疫苗后,第1剂次脊灰疫苗接种后的AEFI报告发生率高于第2剂次(χ2 = 6.206,P < 0.05)。16例AEFI个案均发生于接种疫苗后的15~30 d内,均已痊愈。
    结论 3种免疫程序的安全性良好;采取IPV-IPV-bOPV(b 组)序贯基础免疫程序的AEFI发生率相对较低,可维持此种接种程序。


    Objective To investigate adverse reactions to three sequential schedules of polio vaccination among small children.
    Methods Totally 216 healthy infants of two month-old and above were recruited from November to December 2018 at 8 immunization clinics in Feixiang district, Handan city, Hebei province and randomly divided into three groups (72 infants in each group) for different sequential schedules of polio vaccinations at 2, 3, and 4 month-old: group A (administered sequentially with inactivated poliovirus vaccine IPV, bivalent oral poliovirus vaccine of types I and III bOPV, and bOPV), group B (with IPV, IPV and bOPV), and group C (with three doses of IPV sequentially). Information on suspected adverse events following immunization (AEFI) among the vaccinees were collected through 30 minutes observation after the inoculation, telephone or household interview at 1, 3, 7, 15, 30 days after the vaccina-tion. The observed adverse reactions were classified according to the National Surveillance Plan for Suspected Adverse Events Following Immunization and the incidence rates of AEFI were compared among the three vaccination groups.
    Results  Totally 16 cases of AEFI were reported, with an overall AEFI reporting rate of 2.52/100 doses. The reported number (incidence rate/100 doses) of AEFI in the infants of groups A, B, and C were 5 (2.23), 2 (0.97), and 9 (4.41), respectively. There were no statistically significant differences in the reported AEFI rates between group A and group B and between group A and group C (χ2 = 1.079, 1.603, P > 0.05); but the reported rate of the group B was significantly lower than that of group C (χ2 = 4.683, P < 0.05); there was also no significant difference between the reported rate of the male infants (4 cases, 1.57/100 doses) and that of the female infants (12 cases, 3.16/100 doses) (χ2 = 1.569, P > 0.05) . All the reported AEFI were febrile reactions, including 1 case of low-grade fever (0.16/100 doses), 11 cases of moderate fever (1.73/100 doses), and 4 cases of high fever (0.63/100 doses) and no rare serious adverse reactions was observed among the infants. All the reported AEFI occurred after the inoculations of first dose (13 cases, 6.02/100 doses) and second dose (3 cases, 1.43/100 doses) of vaccine, and the incidence rate of AEFI for the first dose vaccination was significntly higher than that for the second dose vaccination (χ2 = 6.206, P < 0.05). All the 16 cases of AEFI occurred within 15 – 30 days after the vaccinations and recovered after symptomatic treatment.
    Conclusion The three sequential schedules of IPV and bOPV vaccination are safe among 2 – 4 month-old infants and the reported incidence rate of AEFI is relatively low for the schedule of two sequential doses of IPV followed by one dose bOPV vaccination.


