
2013 — 2022年海南省0~6岁儿童食源性疾病特征及影响因素分析

Incidence and determinants of foodborne diseases among children aged 0 – 6 years in Hainan province from 2013 to 2022: an analysis of active surveillance data

  • 摘要:
    目的 分析海南省2013 — 2022年0~6岁儿童食源性疾病特征及影响因素,为有效防控食源性疾病提供科学依据。
    方法 收集2013 — 2022年海南省国家食源性疾病监测报告系统中哨点医院监测0~6岁儿童食源性疾病数据,分析其三间分布,进食场所、高危暴露食品及其加工及包装方式、病原体检测情况等流行病学特征。
    结果 2013 — 2022年海南省哨点医院共报告0~6岁儿童食源性疾病4279例,男童2680例,女童1599例。第3季度为发病高峰期(1215例,28.39%)。海口市为疾病高发地区(1457例,34.05%);1~2岁年龄组儿童为疾病高发人群(1966例,45.95%);家庭为高危进食场所(3366例,83.65%);粮食类及其制品(含淀粉糖类、焙烤类及各类主食)(823例,20.41%)为高危暴露食品,家庭自制为高危暴露食品加工及包装方式(1645例,40.79%)。共采集检测4279份生物样本,病原体阳性菌株535株,总体检出率为12.50%。其中,对4183份样本检测沙门氏菌,沙门氏菌阳性374例,检出率为8.94%,阳性检出集中在5 — 8月。不同年龄组、儿童类型、就诊时间、样本类型、地区行政级别、是否住院、是否使用抗生素的病原体检出率差异均有统计学意义(均P < 0.05)。
    结论  海南省0~6岁儿童食源性疾病患病以1~2岁年龄组为主,高危暴露食品以粮食类及其制品(含淀粉糖类、焙烤类及各类主食)为主,以感染沙门氏菌和诺如病毒为主,应重点关注家庭食品卫生安全状况。


    Objective To analyze the characteristics and risk factors of foodborne diseases in children aged 0 – 6 years in Hainan province from 2013 to 2022, and to provide evidence for effective prevention and control of the diseases.
    Methods Data on childhood foodborne disease cases aged 0 – 6 years registered in active surveillance from 2013 to 2022 were collected from sentinel hospitals of the national foodborne disease surveillance system in Hainan province, and the epidemiologic characteristics and associated foods and pathogens potentially exposed to the cases were analyzed.
    Results During the 10-year period, a total of 4 279 cases of foodborne diseases among children aged 0 to 6 years were reported by the sentinel hospitals in the province, including 2 680 cases among boys and 1 599 cases among girls. More cases (1 215, 28.39%) were reported in the third quarter of the year, and more than a third (1 457, 34.05%) of the cases were reported by the sentinel hospitals in the provincial capital. Almost half of the cases (1 966, 45.95%) were between 1 and 2 years of age. The majority of cases (3 366, 83.65%) occurred after eating any food at home; nearly one fifth (823, 20.41%) of cases had onset after eating cereals and their products (starchy sugars, bakery products, and various staple foods) and 1 645 (40.79%) were reported after eating homemade or packaged food at home. Of the 4 279 biological samples collected from the cases, 535 (12.50%) were positive for pathogenic strain isolation; of the 4 183 samples detected, 374 (8.94%) were positive for Salmonella, with more positive samples collected from the cases that occurred between May and August in one year. The detection rate of positive pathogens among cases differed significantly by age group, identity of children, time of incidence, type of samples collected, administrative region of residence, hospitalization, and antibiotic use (all P < 0.05).
    Conclusion In Hainan province from 2013 to 2022, among the reported foodborne disease cases aged 0 – 6 years, the majority of cases were aged 1 – 2 years; cereals and their products were among the frequently reported foods exposed to the cases; Salmonella and norovirus were the most frequently detected pathogens in the food samples exposed to the cases. The study results suggest that special attention should be paid to household food hygiene to prevent foodborne disease in young children.


