

A Preliminary Analysis on Smoking Behavior and its Psychosocial Factors among Junior High School Students in the Four Areas of China

  • 摘要: 目的 了解中国青少年学生吸烟行为及其影响因素.方法 采用分层整群随机抽样法,用美国疾病控制中心提供的”全球青年与烟草调查(Global Youth Tobacco Survey,GYTS)“核心问卷对天津、山东、重庆、广东4个省市200所中学的11978名在校初中生进行了调查研究.结果 学生尝试吸烟率为22.5%,其中男生32.5%女生13.0%;开始吸烟年龄小于12岁者占54.8%:在所有吸烟者中,表示目前想戒烟的学生占72.1%;在过去的一年里实际尝试过戒烟的人占60.9%.Logistic回归分析结果显示:同伴吸烟、父母吸烟、性别、对吸烟好处的认知和暴露于促烟宣传活动是影响学生吸烟行为的显着因子.结论 中学生吸烟行为的预防教育和干预应尽早开始,并应加强如下控烟对策和措施:积极创造家庭、学校和社区全方位参与和共同行动的无烟环境;开展同伴教育活动;在学校和青少年活动聚集场所禁止设立烟摊,同时加强有关禁止向18岁以下青少年售烟法规的宣传和执法力度;减少促烟宣传活动;帮助青少年学生改变对吸烟看法上的误区.


    Abstract: Objective To examine students' smoking behavior and explore the psychosocial factors associated with this behavior.Methods A sample survey based on stratified probability samples of 11978 junior high school students in the four areas of China was conducted between May and July in 1999.Results The results show that 22.5% of surveyed respondents,32.5% of males and 13.0% of females,reported having ever tried smoking; 54.8% of them started to experiment smoking before the age of 12 years old.Among all the smokers,72.1% of them want to quit smoking and 60.9% had ever tried to quit smoking during the past 12 months.Results of logistic regression analyses show that peer's smoking behaviour,parents' smoking,gender,perceived the benefit of smoking and exposure of smoking2related media messages were significant predictors on smoking behaviour.Conclusion These findings reveal that there is a need for greater emphasis on smoking prevention education and interventions by implementing health promotion approach.


