

Study on Japanese encephalitis remedial expense and project immunization cost in Jiangsu province

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨江苏省乙型脑炎疫苗接种的效益成本比,为在全国范围内将乙型脑炎疫苗接种纳入儿童计划免疫提供依据。方法 以江苏省疾病预防控制中心1965年至今的乙型脑炎疫苗接种、乙型脑炎发病及死亡资料为基础,以2005年的乙型脑炎疫苗计划免疫成本及2005年乙型脑炎患者费用调查资料为依据,对江苏省乙型脑炎疫苗计划免疫项目进行成本效益分析。结果 自1978年起将乙型脑炎疫苗接种纳入儿童计划免疫后,江苏省乙型脑炎发病率逐年下降,由1965~1977年的20.88/10万降至2005年的0.09/10万。2005年人群避免发病所产生的效益为14458.64万元,当年乙型脑炎疫苗免疫总成本为1154.96万元,效益成本比为12.52:1,效益远大于成本。结论 接种乙型脑炎疫苗预防乙型脑炎的效果和效益非常显著。建议将乙型脑炎疫苗纳入儿童计划免疫管理。


    Abstract: Objective To study the cost-effect of Japanese encephalitis(JE)vaccine immunization in Jiangsu province,and provide theor etical data to adopt Japanese encephalitis vaccine immunization into China Infancy Vaccine Immunization Project.Methods Based on the JE immunization project cost and remedial expense survey in 2005 and the historical data (including JE vaccine immunization rate,incidence and mortality of JE)from the diseases sur veillance of Jiangsu Center for Diseases Control and Prevention since 1965,use cost-effect analysis to evaluate the execution of JE vaccine immunization project in Jiangsu province.Results Since 1978,JE vaccine immunization was taken in Jiangsu province,remarkable reduction of incidence rate of JE was obtained from 20.88/100 000 in 1965~1977 to 0.09/100 000 in 2005.The effect caused by avoiding JE was RMB 144 586 400,while the total cost on JE vaccine inoculation was about RMB 11 549 600.The cost-effect was 12.52:1,therefore the effect was far above the cost.Conclusion The effect of JE vaccine inoculation is prominent.The Ministry of Health of People's Republic of China(MOH)should adopt Japanese encephalitis vaccine immunization into China Infancy Vaccine Immunization Project.


