

Analysis on ideas to delivery modes of pregnant women choosing cesarean delivery

  • 摘要: 目的 对自愿选择剖宫产孕妇进行分娩方式的认知态度调查,寻找降低剖宫产率措施。方法 对无医学剖宫产指征而自愿选择剖宫产孕妇190人(剖宫产组)及同期选择无剖宫产指征且成功阴道分娩的150名产妇(阴道分娩组)进行调查。结果 剖宫产组和阴道分娩组孕妇职业和受教育程度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);剖宫产组孕妇更关注剖宫产手术时间短痛苦少、对孩子安全和担心自然分娩阴道松弛;阴道分娩组孕妇更关注阴道分娩是生理过程、产后恢复快和孩子聪明等因素;22.6%剖宫产组孕妇产前有信心阴道分娩,58.0%阴道分娩孕妇产前有信心阴道分娩,2组孕妇听从医生建议选择分娩方式差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 对分娩方式的错误认识和产前心理是影响本地区孕妇选择剖宫产的重要原因。


    Abstract: Objective Throug hinvestigated regional pregnant women's know ledge and attitude to delivery,this study was done to find means to decrease the rate of Cesarean Delivery(CS).Methods 190 pergnant women were served as subjects.They selected CS without vaginal trail-produce,and they were convinced having no-medical cesarean section dictation after labor.At the same period,150 cases without CS dictation having succeeded vaginal delivery were sampled randomly as control.Results For pregnant women's occupation and education level,there were sat istical differences in the CS and vaginal delivery groups(P<0.05).Pregnant women in the CS group paid close attention to shorter of CS operating duration child brightness and so on.22.6% pregnant women in the CS group had confidence in vaginal delivery,and 58.0% pregnant women in the vaginal delivery group had confidence in vaginal delivery.Doctore's advice acepeted by pregnant women in the two groups were statistical different(P<0.05).Conclusion These wrong ideas and mentality of pregnant women in this region are important reason for cesarean section delivery.


