Time to pregnancy and its influence factors among reproductive couples in their first marriage
摘要: 目的了解新婚育龄夫妇的达到妊娠时间(time to pregnancy,TTP),并探讨影响夫妇TTP的因素。方法调查广东省2007年初婚的13 189对夫妇在婚后2年期间的孕育情况,运用描述性统计和Logistic回归分析方法进行分析。结果所有夫妇的中位妊娠等待时间为5.67个月;女方年龄每增大1岁,TTP增加为原来的1.008倍;月经初潮年龄每迟来1年,TTP增加为原来的1.022倍;月经周期不规则夫妇的TTP是月经周期规则夫妇的1.280倍;月经量多或少夫妇的TTP是月经量中等夫妇的1.088倍;女方文化程度高中及以上夫妇的TTP是小学及以下夫妇的1.140倍;女方是农民工或工人的夫妇TTP是女方为农民的1.110倍;男方吸烟夫妇的TTP是不吸烟夫妇的1.182倍。结论相对其他因素,妇女的生物学因素(年龄、月经)是育龄夫妇TTP的主要影响因素。Abstract: ObjectiveTo examine the time to pregnancy(TTP)and its influencing factors among reproductive couples in their first marriage.MethodsDescriptive and logistic analysis methods were applied to analyze the information on 13 189 couples during their first two-year marriage collected with a cross-sectional survey in 2007 in Guangdong province.ResultsThe estimated median of TTP for all the couples was 5.67 months.The TTP changed by 1.008 times with a one-year increment of age of the women.The TTP changed by 1.022 times with a one-year increment of age at first menstruation.The TTP of those wives with irregular menstruation was 1.280 times longer than that of wives with regular menstruation.The TTP for the wives with education above high school was 1.140 times as that of the the wives with an education of primary school or below.The TTP of the female migrant workers or workers was 1.110 times as that of female farmer. The TTP for the women with smoking husbands was 1.182 times as that of the women with non-smoking husbands.ConclusionThe biological factors,such as age and menopause status,of the married women have significant effect on their TTP than other factors.