Evalucition on automatic early warning information system of important infectious disease in Yinchuan city
摘要: 目的对宁夏银川市传染病自动预警信息系统运行后实际应用价值进行评价。方法对银川市传染病自动监测预警系统平台2009年监测信息的初步判定、现场调查核实等结果进行分析,评价预警信息的及时性、敏感性和有效性。结果 2009年银川市传染病自动预警信息系统发出预警信号1 129个,经初步判断核实,判定疑似事件67起,占5.93%;现场流行病学调查核实确定疫情62起,预警信号总体阳性率为5.49%,均为人群聚集性传染病疫情事件;系统发出预警信号到填写异常卡平均时间为0.82 h,初步审核判定及时率100%,12 h内现场调查核实处置及时率98.51%(66/67);67起疑似事件经现场调查核实62起,占94.04%,敏感性较高;1 125个有效预警信息中,预警病种阳性62起,有效性5.6%,总体有效性尚不高。结论银川市传染病自动预警信息系统的预警及时性、敏感性较好,但预警有效性有待提高。Abstract: ObjectiveTo evaluate the operation and applicatiion of automatic early warning information system for infectious disease in Yinchuan city.MethodsThe information collected by the system in 2009 were analyzed and a field study was conducted to evaluate the timeliness,the sensitivity,and the validity of the early warning information.ResultsThere were 1 129 early warnings for infectious disease in 2009 for the city from the system.Among the warnings,67 (5.93%)were suspected epidemics and 62(5.4%)were confirmed as infectious disease epidemics among populations by field epidemiologic investigation.The average interval time from the system sending out the warning to the reporting of abnormal status was 0.82 hour and 98.51% (66/67)of the warnings were checked with field investination within 12 hours. The sensitivity of the system was 94.04% and the positive rate for all early warnings was only 5.6%.ConclusionThe automatic early warning information system for infectious disease in Yinchun city has good timeliness and sensitivity but its validity needs to be improved.