

Micronutrients supplementation and infant feeding practices in the poor rural areas of Shaanxi province:status and correlates

  • 摘要: 目的 研究中国集中连片贫困农村地区婴幼儿喂养行为及其风险因素。方法 2013年在陕南秦巴山区开展贫困农村婴幼儿喂养行为调研,采用结构化问卷,选取1 765名6~12月龄婴幼儿及其主要监护人为调查对象,收集婴幼儿喂养行为、孕产妇和儿童早期健康管理服务参与情况、婴幼儿及其家庭基本情况等信息,使用logistic模型分析婴幼儿喂养行为的风险因素。结果 孕产妇和儿童早期营养教育能促进婴幼儿微量营养素补充(OR=1.413,P<0.01),但与婴幼儿母乳喂养及辅食添加行为是否符合世界卫生组织标准间没有显著关系;低出生体重、第一胎和母亲不是第一监护人是科学母乳喂养婴幼儿的风险因素(均P<0.01);年龄小、第一胎和妈妈教育年限≤9年是给婴幼儿科学添加辅食的风险因素(均P<0.01)。结论 陕南贫困农村地区婴幼儿母乳喂养和辅食添加不科学问题仍较普遍,孕产妇和儿童早期营养教育效果有限。


    Abstract: Objective To examine the status and correlates of infant feeding practices in poor rural areas of Shaanxi province.Methods By using a structural questionnaire,a survey on infant feeding practices and participation in prenatal and postnatal care management was conducted among primary caregivers of 1 765 infants aged 6-12 months randomly selected from poor areas of Qinba mountainous region of southern Shaanxi province.Logistic model was adopted to analyze correlates of micronutrients supplementation and infants feeding practices.Results Nutrition education among pregnant and puerperal women could promote micronutrients supplementation of the infants (odds ratioOR=1.413,P<0.01),but there were no significant correlations between nutrition education and whether breastfeeding and complementary feeding being consistent with the criterion of World Health Organization.Child with low birth weight,being the first child,and with a mother being not the primary caregiver were risk factors of infant breastfeeding (P<0.01 for all).The risk factors of complementary feeding behavior were young age of an infant,being the first child,and with a mother having the education less than 9 years (P<0.01 for all).Conclusion The prenatal and postnatal care and children's early health services (especially nutrition knowledge and feeding practices)need to be improved to address the problems in infants feeding practices and infants health in poor rural areas of Shaanxi province.


