

Effects of performance appraisal among health workers in township health centers:a heterogeneity analysis

  • 摘要: 目的 了解不同考核结果运用方式(考核结果与收入挂钩、考核结果反馈给个人、考核结果进行全院公示、考核结果与晋升挂钩)在不同特征(年龄、学历、人员类型)卫生人员中的作用效果(考核满意度和工作绩效)的差异。方法 采用多阶段抽样法,对山东、安徽、陕西3省45所乡镇卫生院所有在岗卫生人员(共805人)进行横断面问卷调查,运用多水平logistic回归模型分析不同类型群体绩效考核结果运用方式的效果差异。结果 770名调查对象中,77.5%的调查对象表示绩效考核结果与个人收入挂钩,58.7%的人反映考核结果可以反馈到个人;72.2%的人员对绩效考核政策不满意;在工作绩效方面,自评具有高任务绩效的人员比例最高(68.9%),其次是高学习绩效(60.5%),具有高关系绩效的人员比例最低(53.6%);医技人员相比于护士,当绩效考核结果进行公示时对考核满意度较高(β=1.48);防保人员相比于护士,当绩效考核结果反馈到个人时任务绩效较高(β=1.02);>35岁的卫生人员相对于≤35岁的卫生人员,在考核结果与晋升挂钩时关系绩效较低(β=-0.62)。结论 不同特征人群中绩效考核的效果存在差异。在医技人员中运用公示制度、在防保人员中实施反馈制度时效果较好;考核结果与晋升挂钩时年轻人员关系绩效较高。


    Abstract: Objective To examine effects of four performance appraisal (PA) patterns (linkage of PA to individual's income,feedback of PA to individuals,publicity of PA,and linkage of PA results to career promotion)on job satisfaction and work performance among township health workers with different personal characteristics.Methods Multi-stage sampling process was applied in study population selection and a cross-sectional questionnaire survey was conducted among 805 health workers in 45 township health centers in Shandong,Anhui,and Shanxi province.Multi-level logistic regression was used to examine the variation in PA effects among different groups of health workers.Results Of the 770 participants with eligible response,77.5% reported the linkage of PA to their income;58.7% reported the feedback of PA to individuals;and 72.2% reported the dissatisfaction to PA policy.In terms of the proportion of the participants with self-reported high job performance,the highest ratio (68.9%) was for task performance,followed by the ratio for learning performance (60.5%) and the lowest ratio (53.6%) was for contextual performance.The medical technicians were more satisfied to PA than the nurses at the public announcement of PA results (β=1.48);the task performance was higher among prevention and health care workers than among the nurses when receiving the feedback of PA (β=1.02);the health workers aged over 35 years had a lower contextual performance compared to those younger than 35 when the PA was linked to career promotion (β=-0.62).Conclusion The effects of PA are different among township health workers with various characteristics.Better outcomes could be resulted from the PA with public announcement among medical technicians and that with feedback to individuals among prevention and health care workers and a higher task performance could be achieved by the implementation of PA with linkage to career promotion among young health workers.


