

Current situation and future demand of allocation of medical devices in member hospitals of medical alliance:a cross-sectional study

  • 摘要: 目的 了解辽宁省肿瘤医院医疗联盟单位目前医疗器械配置现状、未来购置需求及评估影响医院器械购置的主要影响因素。方法 于2013年12月采用问卷调查方法对36家联盟医院开展基线评估。结果 36家医疗机构的医疗器械配置中,国产医疗器械1 649台(套),占56.73%;进口医疗器械1 258台(套),占43.27%。在高、中端医疗器械中,国产品牌所占比例分别为15.86%和29.41%,低于进口品牌的84.14%和70.59%(χ2=860.95,P<0.05);未来3年医疗器械购置需求量为310台(套),其中进口器械需求199台(套),国产器械需求111台(套)。医学影像类设备需求最大,有25家医院需要购置,其次为内窥镜类设备,需要购置的医院有16家。结论 医疗机构目前高、中端医疗器械及未来需求仍以进口品牌为主,低端设备以国产品牌为主,国产医疗器械企业急需提升高、中端医疗设备的品质和市场竞争力。


    Abstract: Objective To investigate the current situation and future demand of the allocation of medical apparatus and instruments among member hospitals of a medical alliance sponsored by Liaoning Provincial Cancer Hospital and to explore major impact factors of the allocation.Methods We conducted a questionnaire survey among 36 member hospitals to collect baseline information in December 2013.Results Of all the medical devices allocated in the 36 member hospitals,1 649 sets (56.73%) were made in China and 1 258 (43.27%) were imported.For all the highly and moderately sophisticated devises allocated in the member hospitals,the ratios of domestically made devices were only 15.85% and 29.41%,significantly lower than those (84.14% and 70.95%) of imported devices (χ2=860.95,P<0.05).The estimated total number of the devices to be installed in the member hospitals during the next three years is 310 sets,including 199 imported and 111 domestically made devices.The most demanded devices are medical imaging equipments,which were required by 25 member hospitals,followed by equipments for endoscopic examination required by 16 member hospitals.Conclusion Imported devices account for most of the moderately and highly sophisticated medical devices already installed and to be allocated near future in medical institutions;quality and market competitiveness of domestically made sophisticated medical devices need to be improved urgently.


